1. V8

    Box Knows
    - Removed the lift to top green
    - Added pathway from bottom green to middle room of the map
    - Bottom green can be seen from bottom purple (the starting hill)
    - Bottom green has rockets
    - Bottom purple has a sniper
    - Added railings to the top of each base
    - Added camo to the bridge that connects top green to the middle
    - Pushed in the walls top purple a bit to block the line of sight from red/blue base. Only if you hug the wall though.

    The main change was the new pathway, but I have did a...
  2. V5

    Box Knows
    After only play testing this once, I noticed it played koth pretty solid. However, some changes needed to be made still.

    - On the bridge by purple there used to be a lift on red and blue side. It was hard to stay alive by purple and control it due to how chaotic the room played when the hill was there. I erased the lifts and made a route from top purple on both sides to connect with the bases where the lift used to be. I also added a window players are able to jump in which will help...