1. V5

    Box Knows
    After only play testing this once, I noticed it played koth pretty solid. However, some changes needed to be made still.

    - On the bridge by purple there used to be a lift on red and blue side. It was hard to stay alive by purple and control it due to how chaotic the room played when the hill was there. I erased the lifts and made a route from top purple on both sides to connect with the bases where the lift used to be. I also added a window players are able to jump in which will help players control purple better. It provides more cover than the lift and players are able to choose their battles more carefully.

    - Bottom green was a death room. It didnt draw much attention despite the 4 nades and plasma pistol placed there. I added a lift that gives you another option for players that go down there and an opportunity to break hill set ups on red and blue side towards green. I also added a jump window at bottom green that is accessible from top mid and bottom green creating interesting battles. I feel green will be used a lot more now. Also, you can drop down the lift consistently only from the sides. Its like a lockout lift, only if you do it right it will work.

    The rest were minor tweaks here and there. With all the changes I had to rename the map of course, you know why not?

    New walk through - http://xboxclips.com/Box+Knows/a6faa4b3-2803-40aa-b7d6-749ce4dcdb48
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