
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Lego Headddddd
    My second attempt at forging a map (first: Mayhem v1) updated with the help of co-forger Robbo2739. Another smaller map designed for fast paced gameplay. Designed for Slayer, CTF and potentially Assault and Oddball.
    Two main bases, 3 levels that all intersect in some way via different channels. Plenty of opportunities for set-up, conuntering and lots of escapability from diferent situations. Very rewarding for the skilful players who can manouvre well around maps. Rockets top mid and a Sniper Rifle each towards the very back of both of the main bases. Map updated with additional jumps and cover points along with removing the two bridges top mid leading to side bases (see walkthrough). Also Camo added to promote mid map gameplay (early gameplay saw alot of top base gameplay).
    Again, I am very new to this so any feedback, or help in furthering the progress of these maps would be much appreciated. Please add me GT: Lego Headddddd to download from file share. I am very keen to get some 4v4 play testing done on this map. So far 1v1, 2v2 and FFA's work very well with updates.


  1. Citizen Bovine

    Citizen Bovine Promethean

    Likes Received:
    [span]Hey Lego [/U]:)[span] Merry Christmas! I don't have any capture equipment either but the way I was able to get good screenshots and a YouTube video was pretty easy. Just make your map, check [/U];)[span], then play it in a Custom Game. After that, go into Theater Mode and record a clip of what you want to show us. After about 5 minutes you can go to, type in your Gamertag, and download you clip to your computer. You can then upload the clip to YouTube.[/U]

    [span]*You can post two YouTube videos on here so you could do one Flythrough of your map and one Gameplay.[/U]
    [span]*To download your clip from just click the highlighted "Download" link. This video can be right clicked. Click Save Video as and boom.[/U]
    [span]*For Screenshots just pause your clip while watching on your computer and hit your PrintScreen button. I just paste to Paint and save from there.[/U]

    [span]I hope this was helpful for you.[/U]
  2. Lego Headddddd

    Likes Received:
    Citizen Bovine, thanks for this dude and Merry Christmas to you too!!
    [span style="font-size: 11pt]I have made some updates to this map recently and will follow your advice later tonight so expect some re-posts for the two maps I have uploaded. [/U]
  3. Lego Headddddd

    Likes Received:
    Updated the Screenshots with the latest version of the map and now has a video walkthrough. Would like people to assist in play testing 4v4 so if any one is game hit me up, GT: Lego Headddddd and I can capture the gameplay to pop on here too.
    Thanks again for the advice Bovine.

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