
6v6 Slayer

Map Description

  1. ImDahUnicorn
    I know that a lot of people don't like Complex in halo 4, but I do, so I decided to remake/reimaginate it in halo 5, the reason to why I choose to call it a reimagination howerever, is bcz I don't want to be picked on for it not being 100% correct. The maps name is Complexity, and you can find it in my files.

    EDIT- the map now has name locations, h2 br's and general cleanups.
    Deevius Bone and ravenking91 like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. JA50N 0 JA50N 0
    This map was alot of fun to play on. Everything from the original is there, some small changes have been made but not gamebreaking in anyway. I recommend this map :-)
  2. This is a good attempt but lacks attention to detail. Even in the thumbnails you can see blocks coming through the terrain. There is another Complex remake that is floating around here that you should take a look at - not to say you need to copy what they've done but it could be worth seeing how someone else has approached it. That being said I applaud the effort and look forward to seeing what else you have in store for us in the future!


  1. ImDahUnicorn

    ImDahUnicorn Legendary
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    #2 ImDahUnicorn, Jan 25, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016

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