1. Ty Rex2033
    Ty Rex2033
    Version: 1.02
    These are my only afflictions with the map variant, The blending of terrain needs work... The blocks need more precise alignment and I had issues with none symmetrical buildings (majorly noticeable), Mid building has a small gap from the roof easily able to toss grenades through to the inside portion of the build... I also have an issue with the walking platform beside SPNKR rocket(Not smoothed out or blended angles) It needs serious fixes and major tune ups... Of course this is version 1.02? I see potential and I hope to see some compromises in the next updated version.
  2. Ocular Stratus
    Ocular Stratus
    Version: 1.02
    Solid Remake
  3. Jazzzz61
    Version: 1.01
    Terrific remake, clearly a lot of time went into the forging (terrain done completely from scratch above alpine)
    Layout and buildings all very faithful, although ever so slightly smaller. Plays really well with the Halo 5 mechanics. Brilliant effort!
  4. nickthebestman
    Version: 1.00
    An extremely authentic remake. Works very well with the Halo 5 mechanics.
  5. Hillel
    Version: 1.00
    First, I applaud the effort. I was excited to see this map recreated as I have fond memories of playing CTF on this map. I'm sure there were hours upon hours invested in this remake. The map looks great and the layout is faithful. You did a good job of making me feel like I was on Complex especially outside the structures. My critiques would be that the scaling, widths, and heights of the structures were a bit off on many areas and I think a lot of the forging could be a little cleaner. I see that you almost maxed out your object budget and perhaps it could have been a little bit better spent. No knowing to what degree that may be, I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say that perhaps your object budget may have been just a bit tight for this project. Other than that, it's is playable and still looks good and is very reminiscent of the original.