
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. BBreezy
    Hello humans!

    My GT is BBreezy819. For my first map in Halo 5 I decided to do a reboot/continuation of an original arena I began making in H2A called Amalgam. Since I'm still getting used to Forge, my goal was to create a complex and fluid environment using relatively simple blocks and mechanics.

    The map is divided into four primary zones, divided by narrow paths and connected by a central structure. The overall design was centered around verticality, therefore each section is comprised of several tiers in order to support 360 degree engagements.

    While this is a reboot, it has very little in common visually with the original H2A design. The sight lines have been reworked from the ground up to enable a smooth transition from long range gunfights to CQC engagements. The overall layout is larger to support sprint and spartan abilities, with the larger areas broken up into smaller arenas. The walls are just out of reach for clamoring, forcing players to perform calculated trick jumps or take to the stairs. This division slows mobility, granting the illusion of a much larger map.

    I have not been able to do much play testing, so if anyone would like to help me then I would be grateful.

    Sniper Rifle (2): Blue and Red Nest
    SMG (2)
    BR (2): Blue and Red Base
    Shotgun (2): Outer Windows
    Active Camo: Bottom Mid

    Known Issues
    • Even though I have set it up to support CTF and Strongholds, I have only tested it with Slayer.
    • A glitch causes invisible walls spontaneously block the side entrances to red and blue nest. You can walk though them but cannot shoot through them or throw grenades. If you have any solutions please let me know.
    • This weapon layout is new and I have not playtested it.
    SgtSlaphead likes this.


  1. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good man, aesthetics are nice and I like the exposed walkways. I hope the snow isn't so thick that it causes interference during battles.
  2. BBreezy

    BBreezy Promethean

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    Thanks! I tried to make the aesthetics as clean as possible. Still have some touch ups to do. The snow is really only thick at a distance but i can adjust it if it interferes with gameplay.
  3. MidnightHinata

    MidnightHinata Legendary

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    The invisible walls were cause by the two 'Cylinders' used for the floor, you can fix this issue by Flipping them to the other side 'Tested' hope that helped!
    BBreezy likes this.
  4. BBreezy

    BBreezy Promethean

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    Just tried it and it worked perfectly! Thanks! Those barriers wreaked havoc during the playtest.
  5. BBreezy

    BBreezy Promethean

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