
4v4 Strongholds

Map Description

  1. Soldat Du Christ
    A 4v4 map built around Slayer & strongholds, with added FFA support. Colonial will be my submition to the 4v4 matchmaking contest.

    GameTypes: Slayer/ Strongholds/ FFA

    Colonial takes place on an active duty UNSC high orbit Instalation, loyal in service for decades now. After multiple attacks from pirates 4 districts have been quarentined and the wear and tear has begun to show. Shattered glass, unhinged wall panels, and broken tech . The ship is divided into 4 Districts: Command Deck, Engine Service, Shuttle Bay, Plaza, . Red team play as a spartan security force, while Blue team are the invading raiders. This theme was established after having first devolped the core layout.

    MAP GOALS (The boring stuff)
    Moving forward my goal has been to combine the gameplay variety of asymetrical maps, with the ballence and competitive nature of Symetrical maps. Being a highly competitive player myself, I understand the desire for consistancy and exceptional ballence. I also, however; long for the days where a match on gaurdian and lockout was held in high regard. Asymmetric design naturally encourages creative movement, and challenges the decision making process. Just as well i wanted to add some sort of gimmick for casual players to hunt for. Can you find all 5 Skulls?

    Spawning on opposite ends, both teams have different paths that all end in a battle over various assets. One path leads to the dmr window(Lookout), a power location overseeing both weapon pads and major sightlines. Another path leads to the Shuttle Bay (longhall) where for now i have placed a Rocket Launcher for Slayer. Within Longhall if you become pinned down from the opposite team who has taken control of Lookout, you can drop down into Bottom mid. Made up of branching paths, Bottom-Mid connects all segments of the map in close quarters, and hosts an Overshield power up at the endcap of the corridor. As a whole, Colonial is all about controlling the cross map sighlines and chokepoints. While the more promiscuous routes offer more options for escaping spawn trapping and flanking the enemy. One more important thing to note is the Death pit, a controvercial feature in competitive maps. However with Halo 5's new mobility, i feel it offers an exciting new experience not yet seen in halo. There are various jumps in between the pit that a creative player can utilize leading to rewarding engagments, and clutch escapes.

    BR x1 Red Yard
    DMR x1 OutLook
    SHOTGUN x1 BottomMid ( Slayer )
    Rocket Launcher x1 Longhall (Slayer)
    H2 BEAM RIFLE x1 Load Zone (Strongholds)
    OVERSHIELD x1 Platform (Slayer)
    PLASMA PISTOL x1 Engine1
    SMG x1 Catwalk
    BRUTE RIFLE x1 Plaza Sneaky
    STICKYS x4 Engine 2/ Loading Zone
    SPLINTERS x2 Red Window/ Outlook
    FRAGS x4 Blue Yard/ Red Yard

    Focus on one route/ Location at a time. OutLook being a major power location on Colonial, this will be your best bet when starting out. It gives you a wide open FOV of major sightlines, allowing you to support your team from a distance, and keep an eye on the power weapons. Just watch your Flanks!

    I feel this warrants it's own section, seeing as plays so differantly than slayer. The first two strongholds lie just in front of the opposing bases directly off of the spawn. The 3rd and final stronghold is located in the lower deck (Engine2), hosting Shotgun. A constant push and pull over Engine 2 will dictate the flow of the map, while more ambitious players will attempt to hold both red and blue spawn strongholds.

    A special thanks to @NoGodAnywhere, for pushing me to keep improving and expanding multiple times when i was begining to lose motivation! One who has whitnessed the first build all the way to it's last.

    Thank you to all the countless individuals whos feedback helped shape the final product.

    And thanks to the ATN team for putting up with my incesent nagging, lol. Rest assured there will be more to come...

Recent Reviews

  1. This map possesses an incredibly fun atmosphere to play in - a space station (it slightly reminds me of Halo 2's "Cairo Station)! However, the reason I am giving this map a 4/5 star rating is because the map feels too open in some hallways, and long range weapons seem to dominate a bit too much. Additionally, there is a chasm which I believe is supposed to be open to space (like NASA space, not playspace)...this area looks faked out with some blocks (chromas?), and since this map is built on Parallax, I don't think it should have that area faked out. Overall there are some really great aesthetics and playspaces, but with some changes I could change my rating.


  1. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
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    This map looks GREAT! When I saw it, I immediately thought "Cairo Station" meets "High Charity/Gemini"...and this map pulls off that space station theme exceptionally well. I will definitely try to play this in my customs lobby this week!
    Soldat Du Christ likes this.
  2. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    Soldat Du Christ updated Colonial with a new update entry:

    Dynamic Blinds

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    #3 Soldat Du Christ, Jul 6, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
  3. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    Map Feature #2
    JurassicWeeMan likes this.
  4. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    Good Morning SoldatDuChrist! This map has grown a ton since I first watched my roommate play on it some months ago. It's so damn solid now! It's on the fine line between Forge and Dev quality. It's outstanding.

    I know you got most of your feedback in the lobby, so I figured I would ask. Was there any feedback you missed during the Lobby? I took some notes, but I wasn't sure if you needed them.
    Soldat Du Christ likes this.
  5. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    No i got it all man. Thanks for looking it up, you'd be the first host to do that so good job! :D
    Randy 355 likes this.
  6. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    Map Feature #3
    JurassicWeeMan and Randy 355 like this.
  7. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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