This map was inspired by Lockout and Guardian from previous Halo games with its center platform and branching pathways. The map has one large building and is set on the coast of an island. Gold is the accent color with many rings throughout the map.
There is 3 main rooms that branch from the middle platform. There is a cutout in the middle of the platform to drop you down to the lower mid. This is where a gravity hammer spawns and bridges to the green room and both sides of the shore. The blue room overlooks the entire building with an Halo 1 pistol spawn.
The green room is two levels with a large back lift to get to the top. This has a plasma turret facing mid and branches the blue and red rooms. The bottom green is a long hallway that goes from blue spawn to one half of the bottom red.
Red room is a long narrow room with a ledge up top. The ledge can be reached by the two half circle platforms or coming from green base through the ring. A SPANKR rocket spawns on the weapon pad and two lifts that connect the lower levels. The lower red room is split with one side coming from bottom green and the other coming from outside.
The outside is and "L" shape and is where is team will spawn. Each side has a Halo 2 BR near the spawn and a man cannon that will take you into the building. On the red side there is an overlook ledge with a DMR spawn. There is also a sneaky ledge that has a camo spawn that can be reached from the rock outside or the inside. Under the rock arch is a hydra spawn as well.