1. Pro Potty Patch

    The following updates were made as part of a push to make the game more friendly for 8 players in a matchmaking type environment:
    • Rounds are now 1 minute instead of 2 minutes.
    • Timed Kill Volumes were removed and replaced with a scripted boundary to injure survivors 20% every 1.5 seconds (7.5 second total to kill). This gives the flexibility of zombies to wait for...
  2. Patch of Porcelain Perfection

    Hey guys no major changes. A few aesthetic updates thanks to the increased budget and minor gameplay updates.
    • Added a shiny new tile floor!
    • The plunger is rounder than ever!
    • The sewer area is still a brown box with no grime! Sorry guys, I just wasn't willing to mess with the map in such a tight enclosed area.
    • Respawn timer changed from instant to 2 seconds to give the humans a...