1. Patch of Porcelain Perfection

    Hey guys no major changes. A few aesthetic updates thanks to the increased budget and minor gameplay updates.
    • Added a shiny new tile floor!
    • The plunger is rounder than ever!
    • The sewer area is still a brown box with no grime! Sorry guys, I just wasn't willing to mess with the map in such a tight enclosed area.
    • Respawn timer changed from instant to 2 seconds to give the humans a chance to win a round. Still haven't seen a survivor...
    • Timed Kill Volumes added to the zombie spawn areas so that if survivors fall in, they cannot hide behind the zombies spawn points. Not that this even mattered...
    That's all the changes that will probably be made this patch. Obviously, I would have loved to add new pieces like a garbage can or toilet wand, but I'm sure most of you notice on the intro that the game already struggles to render all of the pieces at once so this will be it for the pointless potty props. Hope you all are enjoying the updates. Tons of new map ideas to come!
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