Clogged Toilet


Map Description

  1. Littlemonk5
    "Clogged Toilet" is a gametype that has been around since Halo 3 which has been remade in every Halo forge since. Taking advantage of the new Halo 5 forge, I decided to do what no one had truly done before, and build a realistic toilet around the gametype all the way down to the water valve, plunger, and toilet paper.

    The objective of the game has not changed from the original. Keep the "poop" from coming back up the toilet. The survivors will start in the bowl with very little in terms of defense besides a bottomless clip shotgun with unlimited ammo and a height advantage. The infected (1-2 players) will start underneath the bowl and use a gravity lift to launch themselves up the toilet. This game progresses very quickly once the alpha infects its first victim. It is also very easy to fall into the toilet where you will almost certainly be converted. Points are awarded for kills and time survived. The game ends if their are survivors after 2 minutes or once everyone is converted. The gametype for this map is called "Clogged" and can be found in my files along with the map.

    Overall, the 1024 piece map took probably 24-36 hours of forging to create with a lot of time dedicated to the bowl as it alone is made up of over 300 pieces which tend to shift between saves of the map and to the rotation of the bowl cover which could be problematic at times.

    I hope you all enjoy the map and gametype! Keep an eye out for my future work!

    Map Variant
    Game Variant

    Shoutout to Forgelabs, iKampfer, and iSpiteful for the amazing videos showcasing this map. I could not possibly have done a better job getting footage of the mini-game in action and appreciate all of the help getting this map out to the players. See all 3 videos below!

    Forge Labs

    This map and gametype have now been given community spotlight by 343i and has hit #3 on r/all! So happy to have helped the custom community grow!

    Reddit Post
    343i Community Spotlight

    Bug Reporting:

    I have done numerous play tests with the latest version of the map but there are a few bugs that I have come across mostly due to lag. The first is that the bowl does not open. I have done countless recreations of the toilet bowl cover to remedy this and the current iteration is the most robust but lag can cause it to crash and anyone who knows the struggle of rotating large groups around a single object will understand the difficulty of making this aesthetic piece function. The second is that lag can cause people to not reach the toilet as I have used breakout spawning just for fun. The third is that occasionally on the first round, survivors do not spawn. I have created enough initial spawns with ample space for all to spawn on start but the solution to this is just waiting out the first round for now. If you come across any of these issues that are not entirely influenced by lag, please message me as I will be happy to try and remedy them if enough people experience the problems. Please do not ask for additions to the map though as I am literally at the object limit.
    Zern, Sqorck, REMkings and 4 others like this.


  1. xNFx Monsta

    xNFx Monsta Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Im done, i cant even. OMG
    I used to play this gametype in reach with my friends and it was our favourite XD just hands down some of the best nonsense gameplay EVER in a video game.
    All the bad toilet jokes shall return XD
    thanks for making this!, will check it out.
  2. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    I made for the same reasons. It plays a lot like the Reach and H4 gametypes minus the fiesta weapons which is not an option for infection (and honestly I like the gametype better with shotguns).
    xNFx Monsta likes this.
  3. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That description. I'm dying
    Littlemonk5 likes this.
  4. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Side note: I am hopeful that a YouTuber will grab this map and create some gameplay footage so I can update the YouTube links for this page. I personally don't have the patience to create one since I spent all of my patience on the map. If you happened to grab it for a stream/upload, hit me up and I'd be happy to contribute to the lobby!
  5. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dafuq m8.

    But with a minigame this goofy, you bet your balls some YouTuber's gonna feature it. Btw, your map's breakable. Put a soft kill above the area where the humans are because people can get up there.
  6. xNFx Monsta

    xNFx Monsta Legendary

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    I dont think he knows that you are a Youtuber Zandril XD
    Zandril likes this.
  7. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Been a problem I've seen usually when someone lags and either causes themselves or others to miss the toilet bowl landing them on top. You can also do some team jumping but not easily enough especially with how hectic the game is. Hardest part is finding areas of the map to modify to use fewer pieces. I managed to find 6 and created a network of teleporters surrounding the toilet that drop you back into the bowl with another one spawning 30 seconds in if you choose to be a dingleberry and stand on top of the bowl. This seemed to work for match start with the 13 sec intro so it should work for subsequent rounds.

    And I see the ZannyVids tag now. I'm pretty new to the community. I've only picked up forging due to a surgery I recently had in both legs keeping me sitting down for two weeks so I'm not totally familiar with the names of forum members.
    xNFx Monsta and Zandril like this.
  8. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was playing this map with Pokephile(Forge Labs) earlier so he might actually be the one to feature this. I just dropped in to post about the map's breakable spot.

    The spot being covered by the teles is the rim of the toilet bowl/toilet seat right? Because that's the area some people got to during my game.
  9. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Permanent ports surrounding the base of the entire toilet up to the bottom of the bowl in case you jump off or miss the bowl from lag. Delayed port that sits just on top of the rim that appears in 30 seconds from round start so the drop in isn't affected.

    And that would be awesome to see on a channel with so many subs. Thanks and keep me posted on that if possible as well as any other issues with the map that you come across. All really appreciated.
  10. PolyG

    PolyG Legendary

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    So uh... So I realize now that I've actually dreaded this day... that is, the day it would finally look like an actual toilet.

    Well then. Thanks to Halo 5's Forge, the illusion of playing in a giant (and clearly used) toilet is... complete. I'm both proud and revolted it's come this far.
    xNFx Monsta likes this.
  11. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Trust me, if I had more pieces I'd be reversing some trash decals and lighting them up as brown as possible. It could be A LOT dirtier. Luckily that infected glow and green color really does the trick.
    PolyG likes this.
  12. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Thanks @Mr Pokephile for the video showcasing my map. I have added it to the map's page so that everyone that happens to stumble upon this first gets a chance to see the video as well but I imagine it going in much the opposite direction of events.
  13. Sqorck

    Sqorck Ancient
    Senior Member

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  14. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Thanks @iKampfer for the shoutout in your latest vid showcase and on Reddit! 5th post on r/all! Absolutely incredible and never what I had expected for one of my first maps.
  15. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Haha, it has truly evolved from the 2x2 square in a bunch of merged blocks. I love remaking these old gametypes I used to play for hours straight. I hope you approve.
  16. Sqorck

    Sqorck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I most certainly do. It is a big step from that little mess of merged containers, This looks so amazing compared. You definitely rocked it!
  17. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Littlemonk5 updated Clogged Toilet with a new update entry:

    Patch of Porcelain Perfection

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Littlemonk5 updated Clogged Toilet with a new update entry:

    Pro Potty Patch

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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