1. Cliffhanger 2.1

    Pat Sounds
    VERSION 2.1

    A few changes here on the heels of version 2. Mostly working on the main hall area, I've added several elements of cover, and created two rooms on either side of the platform. I also added some cover on the bridge between the ships and the main platform, as well as a few pillars for more interesting sight lines when engaging enemies down this long hallway. I removed the damage boosts from the level, and added some lighting / aesthetic improvements here and there.

    The weapon...
  2. Version 2.0 - Completely Reworked

    Pat Sounds
    After some lengthy play testing, as well as some feedback from other players, I decided to essentially re-do the layout of this level. The changes in this new version are pretty significant, as it is basically an entirely different level while retaining a couple of the key aesthetic elements from my first build. I'll try to explain the major overhauls here, but there are too many to list entirely.

    The basic layout has shifted from 3 disconnected platforms (one for the main hall, and one for...