5v5 Slayer

Map Description

  1. ImDahUnicorn
    JA50N 0 didn't really help me a lot when I was forging this map, but since he helped me a ton with the map that this map is based of, I had to give him credits as well as a co-forger.
    Other than that there's not a lot more to say. It is covenant themed...
    JA50N 0 likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. This map does a fantastic job of giving a sense that you're in a covanent city, and the multi level gameplay felt very fast paced and unique.
  2. JA50N 0 JA50N 0
    Great covenant themed map, with great site lines and gameplay
  3. ravenking91 ravenking91
    A huge improvement over the first map yet still stayed true to what made the original map fun. good looking map and plays well


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