It's been a long time since I've touched this map, but recently I've taken it upon myself to update it and improve on the design with a bit of a fresh perspective.
As happy as I was with the aesthetics on the first iteration of this map, subsequent projects have distracted me from really giving it the proper time to test and refine. Long story short, I moved on to other things and forgot about this one for a bit.
This map was built as a remix of one of my first maps, Power Strip. My intention was to build a trio of power station themed maps, one that was a remix of Power Strip and one that was a fresh design. I recently finished the third map in this trilogy, Electric Funeral. Since I had completed the third map, it seemed like an appropriate time to take another look at this map.
For version 2.0, I tried to look at some of the problems with my original layout and remedy them as best as I could. Here's what I've changed so far:
- I've opened up a center tunnel on the bottom floor that takes you directly from red base to blue base. This intersects with another doorway at bottom mid that connects both courtyards.
- Previously, both power weapons were located in narrow hallways on the sides of the map. This was a ...sort of...interesting idea, since it forced players to battle it out over these choke points. However, the hallways were too narrow and gameplay was flat. I've altered both of these hallways into different play spaces. The 'mountain side' hallway has been opened up to include an outdoor play area, with some snowy bushes and a little alcove that you can respawn in. The "valley side" hallway isn't changed as much, but has been widened and I added some angles so it is no longer just a straight hallway.
- The weapon set is in the process of being changed. The previous version featured a trio of Fuel Rod, Gravity Hammer and a Speed Boost as the main power items. This new variation features a Binary Rifle, a Void's Tear and a Hydra Launcher. I'm going back and forth between keeping the Speed Boost on there in top mid, swapping it for an Active Camo, or just not having a power up on the map at all. Weapons will be subject to change until the next update as I test the map more. I'm still on the fence about dropping the Gravity Hammer for the Hydra...but time will tell.
- Another new feature is the two gravity lifts on either side of the courtyard. There are two large cylinders on either side of bottom mid. Previously these were jump ups, but they were a little bit awkard. I've taken an idea that I abandoned for Electric Funeral and put it into this level. These are now surrounded by two pillars of gravity volumes, which lets you float up gradually and soar from one structure to the other. They don't house power-ups or weapons or anything like that, instead they are intended to let you traverse from one part of the map to another quickly. The trade off course is that you're slowly floating through the air in middle of the map with no cover, quiet an easy target for enemy spartans.
I'm gonna update the main set of images with some more current pictures. Keep checking back as I'll be updating this map more in the coming week. Here's a very raw, recent-ish gameplay clip from the level. This version still has the Gravity Hammer: