1. Frame Rate & Spawn Update

    Pwn Jones
    I've updated the outside area of the map to have steam instead of the drifting dirt. This should help with some occasional frame rate issues while taking the outside route and also help visibility from blue tower over to rocket spawn.

    I made a few minor updates to the spawns but nothing major and changed the regular boltshot out for the closed fist variant on stage.

  2. Minor Updates

    Pwn Jones
    I've updated the outside to actually make a little bit of sense with the rest of the map. I added trees and some exhaust vents with dirty air coming out of them to help fill in this space a little more.

    The only weapon updates to the map is the boltshot moved from trenches up to stage replacing the suppressor to help make the yellow and blue side of the map slightly less heavy with weapon pick-ups.

  3. Lighting Update

    Pwn Jones
    Hey guys!

    I put in some long hours last night working to reduce the lighting budget overload. Its down form 145% to 125%. I also took the smoke fx in the center of the map off and although it doesn't look as nice, its stopped a few frame drop issues that were happening from time to time. The lighting on the map has changed slightly to help with some really dark areas on the map the stage area now looks really beautiful (imo).

    I can't get the light budget much lower without taking some...
    GreyMuffinBass likes this.
  4. Chimera Update

    Pwn Jones
    After play testing with several members of our wonderful halo community last night, I made several adjustments to the map (several mentioned below that will be live later tonight).
    1. Much like the dead end route that use to be under rocket bridge, the area under the stairs from security to yellow corner were also a missed opportunity and a waste of space on the map. To get rid of this, I added an alley way in its place that wraps around the bottom corner of security and placed a...