
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. cluckinho
    Cherrywood is a doubles map I have been working on for some time now. As soon as I saw that wood textures were added I knew I had to make something using the theme from Reach's map Reflection. I always thought that map was crazy cool looking so I borrowed many elements from it.

    So design wise I wanted to get out of my shell a bit. I wanted unique encounters from the get-go. One of my favorite examples of unique engagements are from the two zip lines. One sends you across a span of water and the other zips you a good distance from top mid to plasma caster. There both very fun to use as well as fool proof.

    Cherrywood is also asymmetric and is open-air. I worked really hard to try and create meaningful pathing and playspaces. I think I finally got it to a good spot geometrically to where it plays pretty well and looks nice too. The weapon set is fairly basic. Cherrywood has a plasma caster for its central weapon, as well as an overshield and a shotgun. The only long range weapons you will find are one Light Rifle and one Carbine. I did not want and BRs or DMRs since I believe they would be a bit too strong on here. Plus I think they're OP in general.

    Anyways, thanks for checking out my map and I hope you give it a try.

Recent Reviews

  1. CT X8 CT X8
    What can I say about cherrywood. It's beautiful! Its a gorgeous map that works so well. Innovative with ziplines. Gameplay was solid, hosted a 4v4 on it and it ran amazing. Aesthetics great, the Asian styling to the map really broke it up and gave it character whilst the sightings and elevations provided interesting engaments.
    (I don't normally give full stars ever, but it was great)

    I hope to showcase it soon


  1. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
    Senior Member

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    I think the map would look really nice (permitted you are able) with a skybox and some trees in the background, i'm sure you can add some without it murdering performance, I also think some black marble would really help make the map look even better and hide some texture repeat. For the most part it is a beautiful map I just think you could do more with the sky box and clean up some edges with accents.The zip line idea is pretty unique and I am a huge fan of it.
    cluckinho likes this.
  2. CT X8

    CT X8 Legendary

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    The map plays well as 4v4 arena/slayer, you should update it.
  3. CT X8

    CT X8 Legendary

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    I finally reviewed it by the way.
    Sorry I didn't do too great with commentary, a lot distressing me currently...

    II SEGA USA II and cluckinho like this.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Wow thank you so much! Nice job on the vid I liked and subscribed.

    I'll probably update this thread as well as the map quite shortly in regards to 4v4 stuff.
    CT X8 likes this.

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