
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. PharmaGangsta1
    C H A R I T Y

    A 4v4 focused asymmetrical map that emphasizes the importance of power weapon control.


    "After the covenant stumbled upon this installation on Delta Halo, Regret ordered its transformation into a communications outpost used during High Charity's construction."

    Power Weapons:

    - Sniper Rifle


    -Plasma Pistol



    Other Weapons:
    - BR (x2)
    - Carbine
    - DMR
    - SMG
    - Plasmas (x2)
    - Splinters (x2)

    When I began designing this map, I set out to build a unique map that can appeal to everyone. Many maps nowadays seem to be the same basic design with different aesthetics and jumps *cough* MIDSHIP *cough* GUARDIAN (I am no exception... my map Index was a Guardian spin-off). Things in Halo 5 seem like they may be taking a different turn, I'm seeing a lot more CE-esc maps.

    Point is, we're seeing a lot of the same thing. The opposite extreme is forgers creating maps that are basically Quake or CE maps in a different engine. These maps are great, definitely better than most others, but they aren't received well by everyone(don't get me wrong, no map is), specifically those who love those H2/3 trick jumps and power positions.

    Soo..... can the two be mixed? Making a map that plays like a CE map while maintaining concepts from the other two games of the trilogy. And that's what I did. At least... I attempted it. Some things come down to purely personal preferences.

    This map was originally designed for H2A, and part of refitting a map for Halo 5 involves reworking some parts of the map to compliment the game's new movement and spartan abilities. For this map, I simply upscaled some areas, such as increasing the length of the ramps to snipe spawn and the elbow to birds. I also adjusted parts so the map flow would not be thrown in the trash, for example I made it so that the jump from OV to bird path/red path (where the lift drops you off) is impossible even with a thrust. Like I said earlier, I made the gap in the center's sightline blocker something a player can slide- but not walk- through. Also, the verticality influences players to take advantage of the ground pound... which would more than likely hurt them in the long run.

    Link to H2A version

    Charity features weapon placement on the lower elevations of the map, and advantageous power positions with many sightlines at the higher levels, influenced by CE maps such as hang em' high and prisoner. These different elevations are connected via ramps, teleporters, and lifts.
    The teleporters go from low points to high points.

    This map demonstrates flow very well. By achieving the balance of high point and low point importance, flow is already at a good starting point. I tried making the flow the best I could possibly make it, and this is where the H2 inspiration comes in. Traversing between areas of the map needs to be more than hard routes in order to be a lot of fun (and competitive). By throwing in various skill and slide jumps, teleporters, and sneak routes, the basic flow of the map can be sped up, interrupted (in a good way), reversed, etc. Taking advantage of these things allows players to get behind their opponent without them ever having a clue. Overall, this map is designed to have a nice skill gap and replay-ability.

    Aaaannnndd the aesthetics.

    My lightmap is at 200%. Overkill? Pfffttt, nah.

    I really tried to push Halo 5's forge with this map, making sure nearly all textures were not flat and bland, creating a map that could look as though it may have shipped with the game. I found different blocks and formed them with other blocks to form very interesting shapes, which I merged into walls to create my own, unique pieces. I took advantage of the natural objects to make a player feel as though they were wrapped in terrain, yet still exposed to the outside elements, which created a very cool atmosphere. I used lighting on this map only a few times, but they are all used to emphasize an area. For example, I have flashing lights around the sniper plat as well as a green beam that shines down upon it. I also have a gentle fog that races through the map, creating a more immersive atmosphere.

    DMR TrueSkill1
    Fatal x Fusion
    A Faded Pixel

    For the incredible feedback.

    Have a great day! ;)

Recent Reviews

    Very nicely done, I enjoyed playing it overall, even with the massive free for all game you and I and others had played. I did say though that the map was too big for a 2v2, feel it more of a 4v4 to 6v6 size game though personally. But I do have to say, was very enjoyable


  1. Too Perfect

    Too Perfect Legendary

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    I really like a lot of the stuff you did here. Through play-testing it definitely feels too big for 2v2 and there are several spots that just randomly have holes in them to fall through the map (bottom center, some spots by sniper and orange stairs, etc.)

    Constructive Feedback (again, I have an overall positive outlook on the map) -->
    -There are also a number of spots that should likely have kill barriers but don't. Some sections make the map almost too opened up because of those routes that aren't closed off (some look intentional but some do not)
    -The top red lift should have some way to go back down as if you're pinned top-lift from the stairs you have no where to go but bail way down the map.

    I hope some of this helps a bit and I'd be happy to show you around some of our ideas if you'd like!

    GT: Too Perfect.
  2. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

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    First of all, thanks for your feedback man.

    - I'm aware that map is a little big for a 2v2, heard that from testing yesterday as well. I'll go back and fix that, probably redo some of the corners and add in some segmentation or something. I upscaled it too much for this game, lesson learned.
    -Most of the holes in the map are intentional but if they become too much of a problem I'll patch them up, same goes for the random accidental holes.
    - I'm not surprised by this one, this map is somewhat complex. I put kill boundaries everywhere I could but I'll look into it, do you remember any specific areas where I should consider one?
    - You can go back down the lift shaft easily, which leads down 2 paths, one of which has a teleporter to the other side of the map. I intended for that area to have low escapability because you can see pretty much everything on the map from up there. This forces players that find themselves in the situation you described to either challenge, or drop down and lose their power position to the opponent. I can always change it though.
  3. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

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    I decided I'm going to be making two versions of this map, since this version plays very well with a 4v4 game. Once I shrink the map down to an appropriate size (2v2), I'll post a map update on here. Until then, any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated!

  4. DIBK

    DIBK Legendary

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    1.2 outta 10!!!! Would play again
  5. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

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    PharmaGangsta1 updated Charity with a new update entry:

    Charity 1.4

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    #6 PharmaGangsta1, Jan 13, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  6. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    PharmaGangsta1 updated Charity with a new update entry:

    Major Changes Incoming

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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