I've played about a dozen games on Cavalcade. RPAL has been very diligent about submitting it for the testing lobbies, getting feedback, and most importantly applying feedback and polishing the hell out of the map. I really wish he would have polished those windows a bit less because they're really transparent and sometimes disorienting off of spawn when you're facing them.
A testament to a great map is its versatility and compatibility to take however many people playing for whatever gametype and play great every time. We've played 4v4 to 8v8 on CTF, Strongholds, Slayer and everything just works. I want to try Oddball on this puppy when we can!!
The scripting elements aren't too drastic and have really interesting yet subtle impacts on gameplay especially if you lower the door to allow the mongoose easy access. I didn't I would like a mongoose in a 4v4 arena map, but Cavalcade pulls it off hilariously.