Based on Monolith, a map I felt had great ideas, but an equal amount of issues, Caryatid is filled with changes.
Caryatid takes many changes, and here is a generalized list.
- Caryatid takes Monolith's base design, but extends the size of the map by roughly 25%.
- Caryatid removes Monolith's outer pathways, giving more reason to take the center areas.
- New sneakies added on each corner of the map.
- The Pyramid is larger with a bigger inner play area, gives cover to those venturing to the rocket launcher.
- The Pyramid has more than just the drop-in on top and the two doorways. Mancannons are added to let the player jump back through the top drop-in.
- DMR Spawn and upper area of the maps have been increased in height to allow more verticality in gameplay.
- General additions to allow clamber, thrust, and pro jumps.