
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Vorked
    Based on Monolith, a map I felt had great ideas, but an equal amount of issues, Caryatid is filled with changes.

    Caryatid takes many changes, and here is a generalized list.

    • Caryatid takes Monolith's base design, but extends the size of the map by roughly 25%.

    • Caryatid removes Monolith's outer pathways, giving more reason to take the center areas.

    • New sneakies added on each corner of the map.

    • The Pyramid is larger with a bigger inner play area, gives cover to those venturing to the rocket launcher.

    • The Pyramid has more than just the drop-in on top and the two doorways. Mancannons are added to let the player jump back through the top drop-in.

    • DMR Spawn and upper area of the maps have been increased in height to allow more verticality in gameplay.

    • General additions to allow clamber, thrust, and pro jumps.
    Deevius Bone, WAR, goldboy33 and 2 others like this.


  1. Aladin91

    Aladin91 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    There's only a handful of halo 4 maps I've been waiting to be remade, Monolith certainly being one of them. Can't wait to load this up and see how your changes play, although from the pictures it looks a little blocky. If you have any budget left you may want to spruce the place up a bit!

    Still, super excited about your work on this one!

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