Cartographer Evolved

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Raptorxl98
    Cartographer Evolved is a 2v2-4v4 Halo CE inspired map from the campaign mission "The Silent Cartographer". An old forerunner structure is set between a canyon. You can go inside the small forerunner base from 3 different positions. The main entry is on the cliffside (first picture) and its split into two smaller ways. It´s the spawn place for the overshield. Two sniper rifles spawns on the flank sides with one extra clip.
    So, the flanks are the team spawn. You will find an entry near the team spawn. This is the open middle and also the sword spawn.
    Behind the forerunner structure is a high rock with an Rocket Launcher on it and behind this rock is a smaller forerunner structure.
    I made 2 different versions of Cartographer Evolved.

    -Cartographer Evolved
    *Only Halo CE weapons*

    12x Halo CE Pistols
    2x Sniper (150 seconds)
    1x SPNKr Bazooka (180 seconds)
    1x Overshield (60 seconds)
    1x Shotgun (60 seconds)
    1x Sword (180 seconds)

    *Binary weapon pad, Battle Rifles and forerunner weapons and grenades. No Halo CE weapons and the gravity hammer replace the sword*

    Cartographer Evolved supports all gametypes and works fine in 6-8 players (FFA) matches, multi team, super fiesta and Halo CE Slayer. The CTF spawns are completely different (blue team on the main entry, red on the green forerunner structure).

    I hope you like and enjoy my new map and have a nice day!

    GT: Raptorxl98
    Deevius Bone likes this.


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