
8v8 Strongholds

Map Description

  1. Studbeasttank
    This map originally began as an attempt to forge something similar to the Meridian levels in Halo 5. Since then, it has morphed into a BTB strongholds map with an emphasis on warthogs.

    Special thanks to D4rkDeath and DELTA V for their advice and assistance, and Ascend Hyperion and Max Extra for running the lobbies that provided valuable feedback.
    ARC1T3CTZ and Skyward Shoe like this.


  1. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was in Ascend's lobby last week for this map. The biggest thing I noticed was that the back hallway between the interior and the upper stronghold was a bit too linear. With no other passages connecting to it and no alternate routes it always turned into a boring tug of war where the only strategy was to shoot and rush down the hall. It would help if there were a few more routes connected to this area so that players had options on how they wanted to move through it.
    Studbeasttank likes this.
  2. ARC1T3CTZ

    ARC1T3CTZ Heroic

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    I had the pleasure of testing this map to,this was definitely a breath of fresh sweet air like a flowery cent aha to BTB I fully enjoyed playing on this map. I'l be looking forward to retest it once you've completed your updates.

    Studbeasttank likes this.
  3. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    More pictures and a stronger description desired.
    Studbeasttank likes this.
  4. Studbeasttank

    Studbeasttank Legendary

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    I watched the stream and heard that i needed to work on that. I added a second route--a path from the binary spawn to the ledge near the exit door.

    Thanks! It should be tested again soon.

    Soon--this is mostly a placeholder so I have a convenient download link.
  5. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I just took a look around in forge. I really like the new path, that's exactly the kind of route that area needed. Excellent job! I also wanted to say that Warthog gameplay felt pretty good so far. I like your pathing, your jump, and the space you left to make sure the 'hog had enough room for good fights. It's too rare that I see a good BTB 'hog map, and this definitely has potential.

    I did pick up on a few other things you might consider changing however:

    • The floor behind red base with the molten metal pits is a little too close to the height of the base itself. Right now players can drop down there to get out of a firefight and then use the 10 second kill timer to climb up the vats and back into the map. This kind of escape option feels cheap to me. I would advise lowering the floor more than you already have, perhaps making the vats smaller but taller. Put railings up all along the edge of the play space and make the area look inaccessible. Make it dark down there with no discernible features so that it reads as a death pit to anyone who looks at it, and widen that sneaky path right along the edge to make it more visible.

    • The low position of Piston Stronghold makes it somewhat of a grenade hole. I noticed a lot of spam in there the other night. You may want to consider moving that objective up a big higher, on the same level as the rest of the room or close to it, or perhaps even raised above it some. If players can shoot into the objective it will also allow for more interesting fights with it.

    • The breakable vent at the base of the lift is awkward to deal with if you have to break it from the inside. I would advise setting an explosive to detonate at the start of the match to break it open so that you can maintain the visual without getting in the way of gameplay.

    • The lift itself feels odd, as it is just one small lift in a rather big shaft. I think you would be better served putting a long lift of some kind all along the far wall. That way you can just walk all the way into it to go up, and from the top you just walk forward and you go over and past the lift on your way down.

    • There is a gap in red base between the wall and the big door next to the molten vats. I'm not sure if it is intentional, like the door is partially open, but it is a visual distraction that lures the eye away from the play space. I would try to keep that shut.

    • The barriers around Yard Stronghold are floating slightly.

    • The rocks acting as a jump over Junction look kind of unrealistic. I'd try to make that formation look a little more natural while preserving the functionality.

    • I would love to see the pipe by blue base integrated as playable geometry somehow. If it was built correctly it might make for a really cool power position. Blue spawn feels a little underdeveloped right now, especially Yard Stronghold. The blocker in blue garage is also completely unnecessary, as you already have geometry there to stop players.

    • This final section is about aesthetic details and should be taken with a grain of salt. Personally, I really do not like the shade of yellow you are using all over the map. It's rather garish, and I think it clashes with the intended theme. The entire facility is fire and earth oriented, while bright yellow tends to be used in aquatic structures for visibility. I would advise sticking to a color palette of grays, black, that orange you are using (or maybe even a darker shade), brown, and perhaps some red accents. I think you will find that it will bring some visual cohesion and distinctiveness to the map at large. You also should consider using more concrete and forerunner textures on your various parts. Concrete tends to smooth out surfaces and make them look less like plastic and more like real world structures. Forerunner adds a nice industrial/fabricated look to any clearly metal pieces. Not every piece can or needs to have these textures, but careful application of them can add a lot to a map. Be mindful of the grime overlay as well, as it tends to stand out a bit too much and look a little fake, especially in direct light.

    Edit: Final suggestion. Get that map a cool name. Maps love cool names.
    Studbeasttank and D4rkDeath like this.
  6. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh shoe, now I gotta look at this!
    Studbeasttank likes this.
  7. Studbeasttank

    Studbeasttank Legendary

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    Pictures added.

    Thanks! This is way more advice than I ever expected! I'll keep my responses in Blue.

  8. Studbeasttank

    Studbeasttank Legendary

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    Mostly finalized.

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