Canyon Station

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. SoS Darth Algar
    An auto repair and rest station, nestled in a canyon, is cut off from the outside world due to a recent attack. The survivors conflict over the station's few remaining resources, and it may come to violence...

    4-12 players maximum, with an optimal count of 8 players (over 10 gets a bit hectic). Recommended game type is Free-for-all Slayer, but both Team Slayer and Strongholds are supported.

    2 power weapons: shotgun 1st level (180sec respawn) , sword 2nd level (300sec respawn).

    3 Strongholds are located near the front entrance (near the bathroom), the cafe near the rear, and the pool table on the 2nd level.

    2 script interactions are in the garage: 1 to spraypaint the car to red/blue (mark your territory!), and a 2nd terminal raises or lowers the pylons.

    The map began as an aesthetic map and slowly transitioned into a competitive map. I had help from fellow ForgeFactory members Jernst Reborn and Turbtastic for the weapon placement/balancing and scripts.

    Video and gameplay footage provided by ScrappyKnight:

    Add SoS Darth Algar as a friend, and look at the top/first entry in my bookmarks for Canyon Station.

    Be sure to check out for more maps from our forge group!

    update (2/24/16): fixed invisible blockers not spawning due to latest release...

Recent Reviews

  1. ScrappySK ScrappySK
    Great map!


  1. iParanormal

    iParanormal Member
    Forge Critic

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