
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Connie
    Asymmetrical map available for all current game modes. Aesthetically reminiscent of A New Hope's famous hive of scum and villainy, Cantina offers a lot of interesting paths and flanking opportunities to get the jump on any rebel scum.

Recent Reviews

  1. D4rkDeath D4rkDeath
    I loved this map, lol! I understand the wanting to stay true to the theme, as I love star wars myself, but if you were to change anything, it would be to find a subtle way to add more color to the map. It could be just adding little things like a flag, or barrels, etc. As far as gameplay, omg this map was fun, a few control points that made for a few spots with forced gameplay, but that is not a bad thing. In fact, that is part of what made this map so fun, almost as if you captured a KOTH within slayer! Good job, I love playing on this map and look forward to your upcoming content!
  2. xRAGEx3675 xRAGEx3675
    Excellent star wars themed map that looks amazing and plays well too.


  1. xRAGEx3675

    xRAGEx3675 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Actually looked around this map with my mouth wide open.
    Looks amazing and that it's playable too is awesome.
    You've really captured the star wars feel.
    Really looking forward to seeing more of your work.
    vraptorx likes this.
  2. CryingNeutrons

    CryingNeutrons Legendary

    Likes Received:
    That shuttle looks nice. Your post needs more pics or a video.

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