
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. PharmaGangsta1

    CALYPSO by PharmaGangsta1
    I created Calypso with a goal of highlighting the importance of a player/team's decision making. By adding intricate routes around the various regions of the level, this has goal has been achieved.

    Calypso emphasizes the decisiveness of the players on it, and ushers in a gameplay trend of outsmarting rather than outplaying.

    --Double Lift Gif--
    Hopefully the aesthetic pops out to you quite a bit. Although the layout may not perfectly compliment it as I had hoped, the Mayan theme is one I desperately tried to sell. I have always felt that player immersion is most of the battle in creating a good map, so that players can have a sense of place while playing on it. It shouldn't just be another plain-colored map that makes people feel like they're in a simulation/game, even if they are.

    I'll discuss a few of the details I added in around the map, primarily on/in the walls of the atriums. Most notably are the numerous fire features around the map- these serve to give the impression that the player is in some sort of ancient place, definitely not some overdone random unsc location. These are nice too because they provide lighting and set the tone. Also, I added a BUNCH of geo designs into the architecture of the walls, patterns of squares or intricate diagonals. The plants here and there captures that tropical feel that you would see in a Central-American Mayan ruin. Lastly the massive cardboard cutout pyramid found adjacent to the outside region of Calypso is just there to really nail it home that there's a Mayan theme. The waterfall looks pretty cool I guess, and you can bounce off of it so there's that.

    Calypso features at its forefront a grenade launcher, scattershot, and camo. Secondarily, there is a plasma rifle on blue side and a storm rifle on red side- don't underestimate them. Additionally, 2 BRs, 2 SMGs, 2 carbines, a suppressor, and a boltshot can be found in different areas of the map. The ricochet effect on the noob tube and scattershot are pretty sweet when taken advantage of on this map.
    I won't discuss this much more because it's all subject to change.

    Oh goodness this is a big topic.
    As mentioned above, Calypso was designed to create really cool encounters that can be dictated regarding time/location exclusively by careful decision making by the both teams. This shines more in 2v2 than 4v4 but it's still there across the board. So what decisions can you make? This map offers those sweet double lifts that can facilitate the movement of conflict towards the top of the map, or help a team take control of the higher ground. There are also a few one-way ledges which create incentive for offensive gameplay. The teleporter from the camo bridge to the high middle of the map opens up a variety of choices to the player who grabbed the invis- they can push towards either blue or red, or just hold down the middle atrium- quite frankly, this shows how one player can dictate a portion of the game from one decision, and really pushes teams to control that camo spawn if they want to maintain map control. Anyway, I think most of the decision making is made individually as the map is played, so I won't dive into this topic any further.

    Special thanks to the guys at ATN for bringing this map's quality much higher than it was initially! Here's hoping the swiss cheese is minimalized :D
    @xdemption @Max Extra @Ascend Hyperion

Recent Reviews

  1. Personal note first, this has been one of my favorite maps to play over the past couple of weeks.

    Core maps for Halo 5 are always subject to a really rigid set of rules and criteria and this map is an absolutely refreshing step away from those things. Namely, the inclusion of not only teleporters, but a double lift as well. Teleporters are becoming far and few, and the number of well executed ones even fewer. This map pulls it off great, with a nice risk vs reward setup for using them. The double lift is fun and is cause for a double take while one it.

    Play on the map is solid as well. Each area of the map is a little diverse and each have a chess-like advantage to controlling. Interactions are varied and you always have options to play a little differently.

    The art? Amazing. This review is already a tad long, so I'll put it like this. This is one of those maps that seems entirely separated from the canvas. It is a map built within its own map almost and the immersion factor is high.

    I'd recommend this map to anybody.


  1. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played this the other night, it gave me the bungie design feel of maps like Sanctuary, Lockout, and the pit, but fresh. This is one of the best layouts I've played on in a long time. Praise aside, there is a pillar sticking down over the landing that overlooks... I wanna say the middle stronghold. That pillar could be adjusted in a way that it doesn't interfere with jumping out. Honestly I can usually find a lot to tweak and/or change, however knowing that the pillar is my only real feedback, I'm beside myself. I'll likely leave a review after a few more plays.
    PharmaGangsta1 likes this.
  2. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure which pillar you're talking about. Was it above the overshield? I have a rail that sticks down a little that might hinder that jump come to think of it.
  3. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll take a look and let you know.
    PharmaGangsta1 likes this.
  4. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So the pillar by the overlook is by the stronghold pushed into the ground. By the middle hazard. You can bump the pillar and fall into the hazard. Also, that stronghold is very open from a few areas. I suggest raising the stronghold to its actual position for a little cover.
    PharmaGangsta1 likes this.
  5. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

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    PharmaGangsta1 updated Calypso with a new update entry:

    Things and stuff

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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