Bunker 0013


Map Description

  1. Ascend Hyperion
    "Cortana controls everything. Time to start taking things back."

    Welcome to Bunker 0013, an old UNSC fallback bunker built at the height of the war with the Covenant. While it's gates were never opened then, they are sure open now. Cortana and her Guardians control the galaxy, and all that defy her are killed without redoubt.

    It is here were many of the brave few gather to combat Cortana and her machines.


    Bunker 0013 is a double function map. It was built to emulate the idea of a social space, like the Tower from Destiny, in Halo. It serves as a gathering place for interaction between players. Beyond that though, it is a multi-faceted puzzle map. Players will be challenged to solves puzzles to gain access to a secret room.


    Mysteries and Secrets Alike
    There are three keys puzzles for players to identify and solve. Each puzzle is multi-part and is unique from the others. They can be completed in any order, but all must be complete to gain access to the final room. This map plays on audio cues for some puzzles, so it is important to make sure your game audio is present when playing. In addition, some puzzles cannot be solved alone. There is a two player minimum for these puzzles. The map will track your progress in a way that is visible to the players as well.

    In addition to the puzzles, there are several Easter Eggs hidden on the map. Think you can find them all?

    Here is Where the Fight Begins
    Like mentioned before, this map was also built to incorporate the concept of a social area in Halo. The lore will expand further on the thematic setting, but there are things to do outside of solving puzzles as well. If you're bored, consider throwing the map on to goof off with friends on or to explore to its fullest.



    Preface: If you know me, you know I love including lore with my maps. I have though up a bunch for this map, but for now, I will include the basics and as/if interest in the map grows, I'll add more.

    The galaxy is under Cortana's control. With the assembly of her Guardians, access to Promethean armies and the betrayal of so many human AI, things are looking grim indeed.

    However, we've never been the type to lay down and die. Welcome to Bunker 0013 kid; it ain't much, but for now it's home. We found this place a couple months ago basically untouched. I'm sure some matter of mix up had this place erased off the list when the UNSC was doing their post-war asset recollection. Lucky us. There was a good amount of supply here and plenty of space to work with.

    We've got an armory, barracks, food hall, the works. We converted the old engine room into the command station. Here we keep track of the galactic conflict as well as other things.

    Here's where we need your help. We have a super special asset in our hands, real black-ink material. However, our systems have us locked out of where it's stored. Just keep your eyes and ears open. We need access again if we even want a chance of keeping this fight up.


    I need YOUR feedback!

    What do you think? Like or dislike? Did something bug? These are all things I'd love to hear from you! Don't be shy!

    Gamemode Download

    (I want to bury Rust Garden with this map...)


  1. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Ascend Hyperion updated Bunker 0013 with a new update entry:

    Patches and Music

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. shonbag69

    shonbag69 Heroic

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  3. Tigerstorm

    Tigerstorm Heroic

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    This map looks very promising for Machinima uses!
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  4. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    As long as proper credit is given, that sounds good to me :D
    shonbag69 likes this.
  5. BaliTech

    BaliTech Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Dope sick Hype!! Next lobby i want to roll this, for real though!

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