The third round of updates for Breached. Currently since the map is sitting in the 2 v 2 playlist i thought it best not to update the original and Ill let that one get judged while i move on with the updated version Breach Open. After the 2 v 2 contest is done ill be moving the changes to Breached.
Over all I'm pretty happy with these updates as I think it helps the map flow overall. While I think some of these changes are not needed and some players just don't understand the map fully, I have still implemented them to allow the map to be more accessible to newer players.
- Upped the brightness of the map even more (still to dark for some people...)
- Added new balconies near teleporters towards lift room that allow for players to clamber into the mid room.
- Added Light bridges to the lift room so people will stop falling... (learn to jump sometimes)
- Added more light to the lift to help bring it out more
- Changed the opening scene to better show how to get to Incinerator Cannon.
- More location callouts for the new balconies
- retouched geometry all around the map to make the map more clean. this removed some of the lines in the hallways
- Added Assault functionality to the map.
- changed the kill barrier boundaries
- Lowered the Ammo and increased time on the CE pistol.
- Moved the Neutral flag back to lift room.
- Optimized and altered the Lift room platform geometry to better accommodate player movement
- Altered the atmospheric FX
- Fixed the sender teleporters radius to not teleport players in the elbows