Bobbing for Apples


Map Description

  1. Littlemonk5
    Littlemonk5: Guess who just made an apple mini-game in Halo 5.

    Loyal 4chubers: Who just made an apple mini-game in Halo 5?

    Littlemonk5: Me! I guess it wasn't a rip-off of "Platform Panic" after all. Guess someone was wrong.

    Loyal 4chubers: Yes.

    Littlemonk5: Well, all is forgiven, because right now, I’ve got a map the size of the Pillar of Autumn, and I’m coming online to share it with my beautiful fellow forgers.

    Loyal 4chubers: Okay.



    "Bobbing for Apples" is a mini-game that I have wanted to create for a while, but didn't have the water resources to create and with the additional strain from lack of proper gametype support, it felt unlikely that I would ever do it. Now, with the addition of Tidal, I couldn't go on not creating this mini-game and working with the gametypes provided.


    When I create mini-games, I like to think about what some of the simplest activities are in our day to day lives. Original maps I've made like Bug Zapper or even recreations like Clogged Toilet come from simple things that I see daily and this map is no different. Every day I am confronted with the decision of whether or not to eat an apple and finally I decided to make a mini-game around it with the first idea being a game already centered around the apple.

    In "Bobbing for Apples" there will be two teams (red and blue). Each team starts high above a bucket of apples conveniently colored the conventional red and a very unsettling blue color. The goal of the game is simple: get all of your team colored apples out of the bucket. All you need to do to accomplish this is ground pound the apples!


    Seems simple, right? Well, I forgot to say...the apples...they move....a lot. With some clever use of gravity volumes (explanation below as always), I was able to make some pretty realistic floating of the apples without using any sort of scripting on the apples themselves. On top of this, if you miss an apple, you will be thrown back up in the air so the next time you are ground pounding, you will also be moving vertically.


    Hitting an apple is the only way you can get it to despawn and give you a "point". Points are not recorded until the end because the base game is CTF since KotH doesn't exist. It was too hard on the FX budget and framerate to have telporters in all the apples for a better point system. You will not be able to get to the apples without ground pounding and if you cancel ground pound midway through its charge phase, you will have to wait 10 seconds to die to gain it back. Remember that you can also hit other players apples so play smart.


    Gametype Variant - Bobbing for
    Map Variant - Apples

    As always, there will be more where this came from. Stay sweaty.


    How It Works:
    This map was a pain in the ass to make. Anybody that puts normal objects that are welded into a network of gravity volumes deserves a medal (I'm still waiting on mine). The framerate in forge is maybe at like 2 fps (maybe). You have to make the entire map first and then test sub sections at a time to make sure your map doesn't crash half way through grabbing a group. Basically, to get this map working I started by making my apples and eventually simplifying their geometry to 40 pieces to improve the framerate issues that I had in full lobbies early on in testing. From there, I knew that I needed a way to make sure the apples didn't roll over so under the apple probably about 20' is an invisible kill ball. These got welded together basically making a gap that is not observed by the player since the killball is the only normal invisible object in the game (besides like respawn points which won't work). Between the apple and the killball is an invisible blocker. This whole thing is then wrapped in a gravity volume covering just about 3/4 of the apple. Think of it like this:


    where the vertical lines are the gravity volume boundaries, the o is a killball, the horizontal line is the invisible blocker, and the S2 is the apple (and the dots are for spacing and should be ignored). To get the apples to move, I have other gravity volumes set up on scripts to move horizontally in different directions at different time intervals. These graze the tops of the apples to give them a slight push without going too far. In the apple is a fusion coil that tells the apple it is in to despawn when it is blown up. This signal also sets up the scoring mechanism when all 6 are blown up to make the winning team teleport to a platform with the flag and the losing team fall through to the ocean floor. It also ensures only the first team to win gets the flag even if the other team blows their last apple up milliseconds after. This map took all 512 scripts but could have been 510 if I didn't lose a teleporter with scripts on it somewhere underwater when it degrouped itself....little piece of ****.

    Bug Reporting:
    This game used to lag like a mother ****er in large lobbies but I'm so happy to say I got rid of that entirely. No more teleporters bogging down the FX budget, totally redone apples to lower piece count of the moving objects, no light bakes on the apples, and no more weapons or dead bodies floating around. If you experience lag, I promise it is you. Let me know if the telporters aren't teleporting you, if the wrong team is able to win, if no team is able to win, or if you have a game where like one apple is hit 3 times and won't explode. Anything else I didn't predict here to be slightly possible that happens is definitely worth telling me about.​


  1. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty crazy I like the golden apple podium. Using welded scripts or just dealing with welded objects in forge is a nightmare, I once spent 2 hours trying to get hinged doors to not break in scripting to only give up and use slidey ones, so I commend you for dealing with the nightmare that is welded objects. This game is going to blow up pretty fast, id post it on Reddit too.
  2. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    i don't want to take the karma from Mr. Meme himself, @Zandril so if someone wants to take the glory, I'm all for it. The more people playing it and enjoying it, the happier I am.
  3. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    Nah I don't really want the karma, someone will post it eventually. Im the same way though, the goal is to have a lot of people enjoy the game, its pretty cool seeing things you create being used, I would definitely play this and fail miserably.
    Littlemonk5 likes this.
  4. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Yeah I agree and I think my track record shows that approaching it like that is the way to go. People that try to one up other forgers or be the first to release a game with a gimmick idea always seem to create something that falls short and then leaves the idea untouchable by others who wanted to do a lot more with it. If you start with the end user and how they are gonna feel playing the game, you get a lot better response and a lot better content. Thanks for all the kind words about the map and I hope that when you get a chance to play it, you enjoy it!
    TheLunarRaptor likes this.
  5. Faulk Smash

    Faulk Smash Ancient
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    Only if you could force people to be a specific team, then you could have red and green team lol.
  6. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
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    So these are the apples that you said kept breaking when we were in a party the other day lol.

    But this map looks awesome and fun! I'll have to try it out when I get a chance :)
  7. Littlemonk5

    Littlemonk5 Legendary

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    Haha yeah they are a ***** to forge with but I think all the trouble was worth it. I will really hate it if I have to go back into this forge though. Every time I go back in, I risk the normal welds moving their start location potentially triggering the explosives in the apples. Huge annoyance.

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