Blood Gorge

6v6 Slayer

Map Description

  1. BIGbear33slides
    (new map update)

    When i made Blood Gorge i took inspiration from Blood gulch and wanted to create a medium size chaotic map, in the style of a canyon setting.

    There are 5 main duplicate weapons in map, 2 special weapon sets on 2 different game modes, plus weapon pads and a weapon that is engulfed in flames.

    Main game modes:

    (engulfed in flame weapon) Nor Fang. Note 10 seconds to reach it.
    (Weapon pads) 1 Blaze of glory.
    (vehicles) ghost.

    (engulfed in flame weapon) hunters arm Wicked Grasp. Note 10 seconds to reach it.
    (weapon pads) 1 Sniper Variant.
    (vehicles) warthog.
    (special weapon) Scatter Shot.

    4v4 to 6v6 Slayer:
    (engulfed in flame weapon) Nor Fang. Note 10 seconds to reach it.
    (weapon pads) SPNKr rocket and Incineration Cannon.
    (vehicles) Wraith.
    (special weapon) Beam Rifle Halo 2.


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