Black Ice

2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. BlackDeath10
    GT: Darkling Ninjas
    File: Black Ice v1

    Black ice is a 4 tower asymmetrical map made for 2 vs 2. The map showcases competitive tower vs tower gameplay without the standoffish and campy gameplay that most tower vs tower maps suffer from. Black ice is fast pace, and exciting. It is sure to offer you some unique gameplay that is not present in the current Halo 5 map rotation.

    Design and forge by Darkling Ninjas, and Xdemption

    Special thanks to Salty, Yourself and Xandrith for feedback and testing.
    BodeyBode and Pat Sounds like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. BodeyBode BodeyBode
    This map really forces you to work with your teammate. The towers are well balanced and no one tower is too powerful. Call outs are super easy and it's easy to orientate yourself off spawn.
    The bottom mid creates interesting battles over the overshield as well but also makes it easy to punish someone who is rushing in without a plan and coordination.

    The map is visually appealing with solid game play to match. Great job!


  1. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  2. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you very much for the feature

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