Black Friday


Map Description

  1. CommanderColson
    Some of you may know that I have somewhat sort of officially disowned this map. I've wanted to make a shopping mall map for infection for a long time, but I corrupted my original vision of what a map like that would look like for the sake of making something more match making friendly in order to get in into Halo 5's multiplayer. Needless to say, I have regretted the decision ever since. If I were to take the geometry and repaint it with a different theme all together I'm sure I'd be much more forgiving towards this map, but alas, until then this is simply the map I 'sold out' over, something I haven't been able to forgive myself for ever since.

    I'd like to thank the community members whom took it under their wing however back when it went through its largest update (you will all know that update as the one that made the arcade 'cooler'). Special thanks to The Omicron... and everyone else whom I forgot, but will be sure to add the names of once I start receiving their angry messages over xbox live.

    Lastly, I never posted this map to Forgehub, because as I've said, I consider this map disowned. In the recent months I have somewhat made my peace with it however, and considering today is literally black friday I've decided to post the map not for the sake of it being within my catalog, but because I will do anything to get the dank-cheeky-puns.

    This is a link to a much better infection map of mine:


  1. Legit 1m Vegan

    Legit 1m Vegan Spartan III

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    So essentially you consider the update to Black Friday bad and the original good? (I agree with you if thats indeed the point you're making). Also isn't Scavenger a BTB map not an infection map? Confused
    Also why not just reengineer the map now and release what you originally would have liked to release? Trust me, there are enough infection lobbies going on in customs browser to see it get serious playtime.
  2. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
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    No dank-cheeky-puns here. Sorry
  3. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    I feel you dude. I have the same thoughts about Freakshow. I cringe at it now lol. Black Friday, with all of its faults, was still one of the most visually interesting infection maps. With the advances in forge and your improvements as a forger, I'm positive you can make a better version:yes:
  4. CommanderColson

    CommanderColson Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks Weed

    The update Omi and company implemented on the map helped it reach a far superior level of design than I could have ever taken it. They made the map far better then I would have, I hate the map for a more personal reason, being that I sacrificed concepts I originally had for a 'shopping mall infection map' in order to create something that was more arena friendly.
    The Omicron likes this.
  5. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    343's rules and design for infection are gross, every room just HAS to have more than one entrance, everything has to be like an open cube. Its gross, half the maps feel the same, no holdout spots truly feel somewhat secure, and if they do they are probably too powerful for humans. Its infection, one of the few game modes where you want to promote camping to some degree but 343 doesn't like this. Half the maps in the playlist still feel like a Roblox map, I did like the idea of this map and it was one of the less frustrating maps to play on so you have that going for you.

    You want people to explore the map out of necessity, not for a lack of good holdout spots!
    #6 TheLunarRaptor, Nov 24, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017

    CANADIAN ECHO Promethean
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  7. CertifiedChamp

    CertifiedChamp Legendary
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  8. Mags

    Mags Ancient
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