Black Box


Map Description

  1. TheFearsomeRat
    "Fight for dominance inside of a ONI Pelican's Black Box"
    -Map Description

    Map details
    This a very small and very dark (5 rooms) 2v2v2v2 Breakout map with a single weapon (Sorrow of Teash mixed with a Hunter cannon's body to give it increased fire rate) spawning in the middle a breakable wall blocks each team from the middle.

    Custom game mode
    Everyone starts with a Battle Rifle (Knight Blade) and a Shotgun and while jumping, Stabilizers, Spartan charge, Shields and Ground pound are disabled you deal more melee damage and move faster while taking 50% more damage than normal.

    and one last note while the map is very dark sound is your ally and your enemy listen to it but never trust it.


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