Big End


Map Description

  1. JPRS



    In a hole in a ground, there lived a hobbit...

    Inspired by Bag End, this map offers a unique view of a hobbit hole, as if hobbits were giants. Full of little hints of the real Bag End this map aims to bring in the feels of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. Currently supports small slayer matches of up to 8 players. Free for all recommended.


    Recent update: Hopefully fixed the framerate issues and added some vehicle
    play. As 343 didn't fix the grass causing framerate issues, the grass has now *sob* been removed.


    Gamertag: JPR Smith
    Map Name: Big End v2

    Please make sure to download the new version not the old one

    The main hall features Gandalf's staff propped up in the corner of the room, the table on which Thorin and his company dined, a little warning sign for Gandalf and a small treasure chest, slightly smelling of troll. Each midlevel candle contains a gravity lift to help you up to the top in case running up the staff or jumping up the back of the door takes too long.

    On the table two Shotguns and two Saws can be found, with 2 Frag and Plasma grenades. In the troll chest an Oversheild can be found, not quite as strong as mithril, but in defence of your life, it will serve you better than none. Unfortunately Sting has been taken out on an adventure. Two plasma grenades can also be found here. A sniper rifle can be found up top and the Sorrow of Teash can be found on the chest nearest the door.

    The Drawing Room features Bilbo's iconic book, "There and Back Again", on the desk. The words are written in some form of Hobbitish, I can't read it. The One Ring is up on a shelf.

    Jumping directly into the fireplace will send you up to a hidden area with two Speed Boosts and a SPNKR. A Halo 2 BR is on the shelf and The One Ring has a Camo spawning in it, but never put it on. Several DMR's all with low ammo are on the desk as is a Splinter Grenade.

    The Hallway features a needler and a sword ghost.

    The Garden features Bilbo's favourite bench to sit on during a good morning and Sam's sneaky eaves-dropping bush. A Carbine can be found on the bench, a Void's Tear in the bush and a Song of Peace with two Splinter Grenades can be found in the bird's house.

    On the Outside the 'No Admittance' sign can be found, except slightly tweaked to rep the BoomCo Blasters, one of the best companies, second only to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.


    Speed Boost x2


    Splinter x3
    Plasma x4
    Frag x3


    Song of Peace
    Void's Tear
    DMR x4
    Halo 2 BR
    Shotgun x2
    Saw x2
    Sniper Rifle
    Sorrow of Teash

    This is my first proper map so I hope you all enjoy and any feedback is welcomed!


Recent Reviews

  1. TimeDipper TimeDipper
    The first time I entered this map I immediately fell in love. As a huge fan of the series I was amazed at accuracy of much of the architectural detail and was astonished at some of the creative methods the author used to pull it off certain set pieces. My score on this map is purely on the ascetics and it deserves it. One can only imagine how many hours must have been put into this map to make it look just right, and I appreciate that kind of dedication. Everything from the wooden beams to the round windows just feels right and adds to the emersion. I spent quite some time running around this map to try and discover all the hidden little secrets, and I encourage you too to give this map a download and experience this masterpiece yourself. A job well done!
  2. D4rkDeath D4rkDeath
    I know the author has this playable, but this map deserves 5 stars in what it already is, thematically, and aesthetically. Being a LotR fan, this sucked me right in, I rarely give 5 stars to a map I haven't "played" on, but I have certainly spent a lot of time on this map admiring the creative forging and the theme. I love how much the author put thought into each area. I look forward to everything from this upcoming forger! Great work!


  1. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So I walked around on the map and checked it out in forge. First off, I love this so much as a fan! I can see the dedication and care that you put into each area. I do have some suggestions for fixing your frame rate.

    1. Remove all foliage and consider adding very little, you have a TON of it and all of the vines and bigger patches of grass sway slightly and many stacked together will cause some frames. I removed them all in forge mode and it was much much smoother. Some well placed SMALL grass pieces can be made to feel just as good as lots of grass, but also every larger grass patch has some movement in them that causes frames. The grass issue has been recognized by 343 and they have said they are looking into it. Play around with a few things to get the bush outside the window with fewer bushes, if you can't find a solution, what you had will likely still work because I find those bushes don't really cause an issue typically.

    2. Rework your glass on the windows. The window that serves as a path can be done with less pieces of glass. Glass is a hard one for frames as well.

    3. Reduce your piece count with some simple fixes, you have a lot of stuff merged together, which can look really good, but also can be too many things loading in view at once that don't need to be.

    A. The fireplace has a lot of rings with the 2 thickness that could be the same piece with the 16 thickness to reduce object count. Not to mention its all wood that is being touched with fire:facepalm:, so maybe put in the bigger ring on each side and use a stone texture, darken them and play around with a grime overlay.

    B. Outside you used a lot of small hills and ramps, you really could achieve this with less pieces as well, I would play around with the idea of using some of the Tidal terrain since the Alpine canvas is blocked off mostly. In doing this you could create somewhat of a faked out backdrop for if people are looking out over the fence or go out the gate for a more immersive experience. Check out my Jurassic Park map for an example, but I have not updated the screenshots on here yet, so go into the file.

    C. A lot of small pieces meshed together can also potentially cause some frames, if the game has to load a lot of objects (which it typically can to an extent) within view, this can cause frames. Since around your large ring doorways you used a lot of pieces to keep that area clean, you can very well use less pieces to achieve the same goal. Since there is SOOO much of that around each door and the map is small enough to load a good portion of it all in one view, that may also cause frames. As cool as the effect is on Gandalf's staff, I would try a different effect as that particular one I believe pulls a lot to use (I could be wrong about this, but it is worth taking a second look at, maybe try creating the gemstone he blows into and have that lit up as I felt that was a good effect!).

    All in all, know that I can see how much care you put into this, and I am a fan that also cares about your map! I also had a suggestion, if you go into props > Construction > Pipes and select the 2x2x2, you can push that into a ledge or table or something and create what I feel is the perfect sized ring. Maybe remove the secretish area in the fire pit and put a ledge on the fireplace with a few books (or any typical mantle ledge decoration) and the ring on top, put camo in the ring for a good thematic element. Lastly, if you do add a backdrop set up outside the fence, instead of invisible blockers use the Timed Kill Volume so people know that is a boundary and keep the blockers above the fence and hill above. Using the Tidal terrain will give you the greener look I feel and make it look better if you drop the grass. I really look forward to playing on this map in the future (after frames are fixed) in my weekly lobby! My friends love playing on the Shire map that has been out awhile and this will be a very welcome addition to my lineup!
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 10, 2016 ---
    P.S. Before and After changes, I def recommend anyone who enjoys LotR to check this out! The author truly showed care to the map and understands how to theme a map properly outside of the Halo universe.
    Yekkou, ImI METAL ImI, fame28 and 2 others like this.
  2. JPRS

    JPRS Legendary

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    Wow thank you so much for all the feedback! Will definitely look at applying those fixes to reduce the frame rate. Did you notice any issues with framerate with the 'no grass' alternative where it is just moss? I had thought my work had finished but I see its only just begun x)

    Absolutely love the idea of the ring+camo and kicking myself I didn't think of it! Also I was hoping no-one would notice the flames licking at the wooden fireplace but I guess now a stone one will have to do :p

    Seriously thanks again for the feedback- way more than I could of hoped for and glad you liked it :)
    TimeDipper likes this.
  3. D4rkDeath

    D4rkDeath Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I did look at both maps and found you really traded one evil for another, I would focus on one version and try tidal pieces instead of moss or grass, that many of either was hurting both maps.
  4. JPRS

    JPRS Legendary

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    Ahh both have the same amount of moss- just one has grass as well x) Yup I really need to do just one map if I am going to make these fixes. Will look into the tidal pieces :)
  5. JPRS

    JPRS Legendary

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    JPRS updated Big End with a new update entry:

    Big aesthetic and gameplay update.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. GreyMuffinBass

    GreyMuffinBass Legendary
    Senior Member

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    It's so amazing how the One Ring is the camo spawn..... so much love X3
    D4rkDeath and JPRS like this.
  7. JPRS

    JPRS Legendary

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    Still killing myself that I didn't think of that x)
    D4rkDeath likes this.
  8. JPRS

    JPRS Legendary

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    JPRS updated Big End with a new update entry:

    Vehicle added, framerate fixed.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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