
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Sikamikanico
    Oh hai.

    Long time no see.

    @purely fat is pretty good at designing playspaces. I am (modestly) good at arting up playspaces.

    I've been working with Purely on a bunch of designs, and we're kinda at the point of posting them up and letting more folks play around with them, mostly to gather feedback, and also because I'm impatient and think it looks cool.


    Bewilder is either a 2v2 with no sprint "classic" settings or a 1v1 Standard Halo 5 map. Maybe 2v2 if you want it to be really quick.

    Due to it's sweaty nature and limited size, the map features a smattering of Gunfighter Magnums and Sniper Rifle. A Damage Boost rests patiently waiting for pick up in the mid atrium.


    Kudos to @purely fat for the design and for his patience in dealing with me constantly trying to ruin the design through over-arting EVERYTHING.

    From the man himself:

    "This map had only really one goal and that was to make a room that was dedicated to a teleporter exit." - Purely Fat.


    Also a massive thank you to the many folks that helped playtest this - I would @ all of you, but I'll have to get Purely to give me a list:

    @SaltyKoala @Box Knows @xzamplez @Career45 - You're all wonderful people.


  1. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I would like to thank Sik for taking this old ass block and doing something with it. Also, for dealing with my overall shitty attitude about design and forge in general. You sir are a trooper.
  2. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    Aye, its finally out. Good **** mate.
    fireskullsmash2 and purely fat like this.
  3. CaptainDireWolf

    CaptainDireWolf Forger of the Wild
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks solid. Loving the art and the play space looks fun too. It's always impressive when coforging actually works out haha. Nice work guys.
  4. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
    Senior Member

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    This map looks pure and fat AF...and I like it.
    Sikamikanico likes this.

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