Challenge your friends to a 1v1 Beer Pong Match. In this match up, we have 10 super sized party cups per side, and your unique throwing skills.
Map Variant: Reclaimer#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_AFTM Reclaimer_4ec5bd1b-8ab8-446c-9e14-81c26d9886bb
Game Variant: Reclaimer#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gamevariant_AFTM Reclaimer_68d2e145-dcd4-48df-851f-d957b4d851e1
Going for the Trickshot off the scoreboard, and the ball bounced off and made its way to Red's last cup.
Dear Community,
Here is my first Halo minigame, Beer Pong. When I heard the Firefight update had party cups in forge, I set my mind to creating this map. Although it's a simple idea, the execution was not as easy as it first sounded.
First off I'd like to thank everyone who stopped by to check out my map, and give it a bookmark, or even a shout. This took loads of time actually, and I'm satisfied with how it turned out.
The way Halo 5 Beer Pong works is like normal Beer Pong, the only twist is that you get to take your partners cups away when you score on one of them. You use a color-coded identification system to know which cups your taking away. This is the only way I found the game mode would work. And yes, I tried to script removable goal pads and cups. -Yoink- it, it's fun to take away your friends cups.
Honor Rules: There are small honor rules in this gametype. When you score on an enemy, go to your switches and take away the corresponding cup that you just scored on.
Scoring System: For each side, the score goes up to 10 goals. There is a goal pad in each cup to score on. As long as your ball makes its way into the cup, you'll score.
Don't forget to download my 'Beer Pong' custom Game Mode as well or you're going to have a bad time. Thanks for reading and see ya guys next time. Here's a link to the game mode variant:
To 343: I put something for adults in your Rated T game, you mad Barvos?
Play Ball.
-AFTM Reclaimer
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