4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. MightySusway
    This time I made an original map called Bedrock, which features mineshafts and cave systems. There are even lava pools in some places! The map is mostly created from natural blocks, but I also incorporated structure within the map as well. The route around the map is a figure-8 pattern with two straight mineshafts connecting in the middle. I hope you enjoy!
    Map Info:
    -Follow "RobVaivodiss" on Xbox
    -Bookmark "Bedrock" in my files
    -2 to 8 players supported
    -Slayer, Strongholds, and CTF are supported
    Map Weapons:
    -1x Plasma Caster
    -2x Shotguns (One Mag)
    -2x Snipers (2 Clips)
    -2x Storm Rifles
    -2x Battle Rifles
    -2x Carbines
    -4x Plasma Grenades


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