BD Outpost Ryzan


Map Description

  1. NILLOC916
    "The people of outpost Ryzan thought their remote location would keep them safe. They were wrong"

    - Map's Description


    You will need the "Noob Attack" gamemode for this map. The gamemode is located in my created files.

    Noob attack was a gamemode I created back in Halo Reach in an attempt to capture the few fun elements of clan raids while cutting out all the headaches and garbage. In the Gamemode there are two sides, the humans and the noobs. The humans have to defend some sort of base from seemingly endless waves of "noob" zombies for 6 minutes. Despite the noobs being weak and the humans having defensible positions, this isn't easy. As the maps usually have some way for the noobs to tip things in their favor and human ammo is limited.

    The "Noobs"

    "Nobody knows where the noobs came from, just a couple days after christmas though... these edgy kids started popping up everywhere."



    The "noobs" are the infected in this game. Their objective is to wipe out the humans that are trying to defend their base. They're typically armed with weapons that are explosive but inaccurate at range. Needlers, Hunter Cannons, Rocket turrets, etc. They also have access to vehicles.

    The Humans

    "Just a couple more minutes and we're safe, we got this."

    -Last words of an unknown human


    The humans have one main goal, not to let the noobs kill them. The main way they can do this is by keeping the noobs from getting close. They're often armed with precision weapons, stationary turrets and few vehicles. Ammo is scarce, so it's best to save your shots.


    "We've got a wall, it's a great big wall, and we're gonna make the noobs pay for it!"

    -Some Trump fan in one of my testing games

    In the map BD Outpost Ryzan, the noobs attack from an encampment on top of a cliff. The humans have to defend a wall in the valley below. The humans spawn randomly in class rooms where they're given weapons to choose from, but they have to choose quick.


    In addition to taking the wall, the noobs have two side objectives that can help their place in the game.

    Objective 1: Destroying the human's "ammo hog". The only source of resupply for the human's primary weapons is a tundra hog with an ammo crate in the back. If the noobs destroy that, the humans are completely cut off.

    Objective 2: Destroying the AA Turret. The AA Turret (a prefab created by Toxic Waste 808) prevents the zombies from using air vehicles. If they press the button on the side of it, the turret will explode and the zombies will have access to Wasps.

    Humans defending these two objectives well can make it easier for them to survive. If the noobs take them out however, it'll be a short round. So be sure to keep the noobs off of your stuff.

    Note: The building in the back of the human base was a prefab created by AH SeanR


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