4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Jack Bell
    GT= I LoTuS I

    This is not a remake. Perfectly balanced with a large trench connecting each base and a bridge spanning between the sniper huts makes this map play completely different from any previous creek maps.

    This map has been vigorously play tested for competitive play and has expansive lines of sight for team shooting, the teleporters are still back of each base and there are many "pro jumps' which allow you to get up high easily once you have played the map a few times.

    Everything is measured carefully for balance and cross-map lines of sight have been tuned for great standoff gameplay in CTF or strongholds.

    Player movement is key in Halo 5 and I have tried to implement more options for player engagement than the typical Creek layout.

    1x Camo - Bottom Mid-Trench
    1x SNKr Rocket - Top Mid Bridge
    2x Sniper Rifle - Snipe Huts
    2x Battle Rifle - Top bases
    2x DMR - Bottom stairs in trench
    1x Shotgun - Top Trench (right above came)
    2x Plasma pistol - Back bases
    2x Storm Rifle - Right side of Bases
    2x Boltshot - left side of base

    Slayer, FFA, CTF, and Strongholds are all supported

    FLYOVER 02/16/16) -

    WALKTHROUGH (02/05/16) -

    New update 02/16/16 with more detail and geometry

    I LoTuS I
    Deevius Bone likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Krazykrakr Krazykrakr
    The scenery that this map creates makes it feel like your playing a map straight out of campaign. I absolutely love the designs of the bases and how you loosely based it off one of my all time favorite maps. Doesn't matter the game mode you play on this map, it is blast. Look forward to what else you come up with!
  2. Too Perfect Too Perfect
    Extremely balanced, great sight lines, doesn't LOOK like a forge map, amazing proportions on the map, flows excellently. Love this.


  1. iParanormal

    iParanormal Member
    Forge Critic

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  2. Jack Bell

    Jack Bell Legendary

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    That sounds great! I will check out the stream Saturday. Thank you for testing with a large group, I look forward to hearing what you all think.

    if you do any smaller scale testing 2v2/4v4 check out my other two maps Delinquent and Haptic
  3. Too Perfect

    Too Perfect Legendary

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    I really love the sight lines and flow of this map. It has the balanced feel and familiarity of a Beaver Creek re-imagining but I really like the middle trench, cube, and bottom tree angles on this map.

    LOVE the fact that this doesn't LOOK like a forged map at all but implements a bunch of different textures.

    Balance of the map as well as the size feels very natural for FFAs and TS (4v4's worked very well and 2v2's was good as well).

    Looking forward to the others you mentioned above!
    Jack Bell likes this.
  4. Jack Bell

    Jack Bell Legendary

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    Jack Bell updated BATTLE CANYON with a new update entry:

    weighted spawn zones for flag, adjusted power weapon times, tons of aesthetics

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We played this along with some others again through forged friday and tried to focus on a more competitive nature for assault and here are some thought for that:

    Bases not accessible during assault
    Spawns a bit, team spawns far away if the other team pocesses their base
    breakup linear path
    reduce clip up spawn on rockets

    Let me know if you want to chat more about it:)
    Jack Bell likes this.

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