so basically myself and DEMON spent a few hours polishing the map and redoing several things. so update 2.0 is here:
    - added radio towers and bunkers (non accessible)
    - added some more islands OUTSIDE of map boundries to help with the island theme.
    - fixed some texture errors in the team docks.
    - added a timed barrier in spawn to prevent camping there. (only in the building itself)
    - FIXED THE WATER!!!!! (now keep in mind the water is still work in progress but it dosent kill you and your boat anymore. But the water may be a little more bumpy in places. but its not game breaking, it just makes it a little more unexpected and funny. DEMON and I are still working on prefecting the water so with that said we did what we could for this update. were hopping to have it perfected soon).
    Now thats the update. this may be a while until an update/Map releases from me. this friday august 12 2016 im going on vaction for 2 weeks. 12-30 of august 2016. dont be shy to share anything with DEMON about map issues so when I get back we can fix these problems. -KINGCREEPER96
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