Missiles are your only hope. Don't hesitate to use them.
Now, find a way to the target.
This asymm 1v1 and 2v2 map takes aesthetic inspiration from the GBA's Metroid Fusion, but the layout is original. You take on the role of Samus, or the SA-X and fight for control of the X-infected B.S.L space station orbiting SR388, the Metroid's homeworld. Trying to emulate the weapons and abilities of Samus, I chose speed boost for the bottom center, rockets (0 clip) at the bottom lift, and hydra (1 clip) in the greenish tunnel. Initial spawns face towards the rockets. For 1v1s, you can optionally use your own armor colors with teams off. Show your opponent no mercy-- you're not just a bounty hunter, you're THE bounty hunter.
See you next mission!