Maps from TheRedHoody

  1. Simulacrum

    Small Arena map that played with a gamemode based on movement and accuracy.
    98 5 950

    0/5, 0 ratings
  2. Exaltation

    Slayer Map set in the trenches of Sanghelios
    103 0 546

    0/5, 0 ratings
  3. Arcanum

    A 4v4 slayer map based on the aesthetic of Detiny's "Asylum."
    123 0 765

    0/5, 0 ratings
  4. Aquiver

    A small 2v2 map set in the rocky environment of Sanghelios
    99 0 698

    0/5, 0 ratings
  5. Portal

    An aesthetic map based off Valve's hit puzzle game
    153 1 745

    0/5, 0 ratings
  6. Fray

    A forerunner shrine surrouneded by a barren landscape
    94 2 796

    0/5, 0 ratings
  7. Breakdown

    A Breakout inspired map that includes its own gamemode similar to that of breakdown with it.
    0 0 823

    0/5, 0 ratings
  8. Effigy

    A great city abandoned after a large full on assault by the covenant, now another war wages...
    0 0 805

    0/5, 0 ratings