Maps from MidnightHinata

  1. Foundation

    A classic reborn, Relive the map that was Foundation
    199 5 1.48K

    10/5, 1 rating
  2. Floodgate

    A map heavily inspired by Damnation, With full budget used and every effort put into tiny little...
    0 19 4.8K

    7.5/5, 4 ratings
  3. Crimson Base

    2 - 8 Players, Asymmetrical Map. "This once lush landscape has become victim to a sudden...
    0 0 818

    0/5, 0 ratings
  4. Sky-Rise

    A symmetrical map, Inspired by classic halo design. This map is optimized for slayer and is...
    0 4 1.1K

    0/5, 0 ratings