Maps from LordNojang

  1. Invasion (4v4)

    A valuable UNSC weapons depot under Covenant siege. Plays Slayer, Strongholds and Doubles.
    146 0 678

    0/5, 0 ratings
  2. World of Tanks

    Two cities, two teams, one big battlefield. Based off of the popular game World of Tanks.
    135 0 696

    0/5, 0 ratings
  3. Forgenite

    A Battle Royale map based on Fortnite, complete with weapon drops, a storm and even a Battle Bus.
    515 16 4.34K

    10/5, 1 rating
  4. Autumn Rally

    Bumpy roads, cliffs and a cool breeze.
    169 2 1.15K

    0/5, 0 ratings
  5. Decendance

    An Ancient Civilization lost under the Threshold of Time. Medium sized 1v1 and 2v2 map.
    193 5 1.31K

    0/5, 0 ratings
  6. Ferrari

    Its a Ferrari, kinda. Modify at your own risk.
    144 0 638
    0/5, 0 ratings
  7. GTA Metropolis 4

    2 Gangs fight for control of the city, but not even the authorities may contain them...
    201 0 792

    0/5, 0 ratings
  8. Golleyball

    Golf but its Volleyball but its on a tennis court
    176 6 1.11K

    9/5, 1 rating
  9. Turismo

    Paintball map placed in a secret canvas on an Oil Rig (X-Ball)
    166 0 729

    10/5, 1 rating
  10. Fidget Spinner

    Mini spinner. Just add an advanced joint cage and set the spinner to normal.
    222 0 684
    0/5, 0 ratings
  11. Super Smash Spartans

    Super Smash Bros meets the first person action of Halo 5. It's a real brawl.
    207 0 700

    8/5, 1 rating
  12. Break Time

    What do Halo Characters do on break?
    218 0 777

    0/5, 0 ratings
  13. Exotic Barbecue

    it looks exactly like this trust me. Ill upload a real screenshot of it soon.
    183 0 619
    0/5, 0 ratings
  14. GTA Metropolis 2

    Big, Bad, and Somewhat Ugly, this map is gigantic, and has it's own Mini Weather System.
    207 0 775

    10/5, 1 rating
  15. GTA Metropolis

    The Biggest, Baddest (Halo) GTA Map Released Yet.
    160 3 1.24K

    9.5/5, 2 ratings