Au revoir

2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Rome
    This map is great for fast flowing battles and has a great balance between short range BR battles and mid range br battles. There is a lack of cover bottom mid and top mid which make up for all the turns a nooks in this map. You will often get into different leveled BR battles as well, meaning higher ground vs lower ground and vice versa. This map plays really well with FFA and 2v2's. 1v1's also flow very well. It is possible for 4v4 but I need to find something to put bottom mid for cover before I successfully begin testing for 4v4's. This map is also best played without radar.

    Add: Fromans
    ravenking91 likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Have not played yet but i plan to download if it is on your file share, from what i can tell from the video and description the map looks like a good play, the use of the colored stripes in between the black metal walls is a simple yet good looking touch to the visuals.


  1. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I haven't played this map, but it seems solid. 4v4s, even with something bottom mid, will probably be too hectic with poor spawing considering the size of the map.

    I also think something should be bottom mid regardless of the player count.
    Rome likes this.
  2. Rome

    Rome Mythic

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    Thanks, I'm super stubborn about bottom mid being open for some reason. I guess because of the tests I have done on it, there doesn't seem to be a problem with it, although, you are most likely right. But I hope to get you in another test lobby soon to get a second opinion based solely on gameplay, but that's just me being stubborn. I'm sure others will say the same and I'll probably end up facing the facts. lol
  3. Rome

    Rome Mythic

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    Just added Multi-Bomb.
  4. RAYZOR 1987

    RAYZOR 1987 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can't get over how simple yet so beautiful this map is. Straight to the point using the same geometry, what better way to warm up with a classic 2v2 setting.

    I think throwing in a little odd ball and KOTH would be fun

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