Attrenia Pit

8v8 Custom

Map Description

  1. Sevlovon


    The Attrenia Pit


    The Attrenia Pit exists as a newly refitted military sport complex for a newly emerging Core War Games gametype.
    The replica training arena was originally meant for basic early prototype breakout matches and is now being reused in Simulations for Attrition.


  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

    Likes Received:
    Glad you posted this. I really enjoyed the base designs but wished the middle of the map supported more structural cover. There were tiny windows at each base that was easy to shoot from while not being exposed to taking damage. It was a little difficult to move through the middle because of that strategy. Overall, great forging and love the aesthetics. With a little bit more polish I would give two thumbs way up.

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