Attack on Titan (Wall Maria)

8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. CT X8
    Wall Maria is as the name suggests, based off of wall Maria from the anime attack on Titan.
    It is designed to work in accordance to my Attack on Titan game type!

    The humans fight through/between buildings and fly across roof tops trying to avoid the titans (blue team in mantis) and kill them.
    Humans (red team) can take shelter and restock their gear from the second floor of the armoury by going through the windows.

    The map is best reasonably ok at 4v4 and 6v6. Sometimes it's better with a slight imbalance.

    All of the map is fully functional and at a finished state however I am constantly tweaking my maps too improve them.

    To make the game more fun, fair, balanced and challenging I'd advise no exiting mantisis. This is because it makes the game-play stale, boring, unfair and too easy. Oh and should be more reds than blues too!

    If you follow that rule as well as titans not getting out of mantisis or engaging in any other means then you should realise how good it can be.

    Playing as a human can take some skill, patience and time but the way to win is teamwork!

    Hope u enjoy!
    Check me out on YouTube!

    CT X8
    Ryouji Gunblade likes this.


  1. xXCAMO5324Xx

    xXCAMO5324Xx Legendary

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    I like it. it looks cool
    CT X8 likes this.
  2. CT X8

    CT X8 Legendary

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    CT X8 updated Attack on Titan (Wall Maria) with a new update entry:

    Attack on Titan (Wall Maria) 3.0

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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