
4v4 Strongholds

Map Description

  1. N3gat1veZer0

    My GT is N3gat1veZer0
    When remaking Damnation, I didn't want plane ol' purple blocks everywhere even though that's pretty much how the original was. So, I borrowed some styling from Halo Reach's Penance while keeping the original pathways the same. The map looks incredible. The map's padded weapons are a sniper and a SPNKr Rocket. I've kept the shotgun and active camo, but the overshield was just too much.

    I scaled the map to play well with Halo 5's new mechanics, and play well it does. This way you don't have to bother with classic settings. The new Halo 5 Spartan Abilities compliment the map incredibly well. They go together like peanut butter and jelly.

    The water falls posed a bit of a problem. Alpine's natural waterfall is too enclosed to use so I improvised. There are now three pipes that have covenant plasma flowing out just like in the Halo CE mission Keys. You may remember the green gooey stuff leaking from the ship. The map has a pool of the stuff below the mid area. As for the Covenant theme, Penance was my main source of ideas. I went with a lighter purple glass instead of the typical orange or blue simply because I thought it clashed too much with the green plasma pool.

    I am constantly reworking the map trying to revise parts and reduce object count so i can add more detail to the plane purple blocks I set out to avoid (unfortunately pulling of a convincing covenant theme requires a lot of objects).

    Needless to say, be sure to bookmark, so that way you always have the most up to date version. Pictures and paragraphs won't do this map justice. The best way is to see it for yourself.

Recent Reviews

  1. Sol Sol
    This is a pretty solid remake of Damnation. The potential we have in forge now is unmatched by anything we've had before and this map demonstrates its capability beautifully. The scaling is great, visuals are pleasing, the Covenant theme is pulled off excellently and above everything else it plays very well.

    Definitely worth the rating, a download and a share to your friends.
  2. master wawuu master wawuu
    Great map!!!!! One of the best remakes I've ever seen and played. Amazing potential here!
  3. xNemesis 217 xNemesis 217
    Overall there are no issues with this map. It play's and feels fantastic. And the Scale couldn't be any better. Negative Zero Did a great job I suggest downloading this map.


  1. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Now this is a good looking remake if I've ever saw one. Visually striking, standing out from the crowd in my mind. Each part wall or pillar has an organic aesthetic feel which most forgers rarely do. Lighting at red area feels a little over the top though, I would think to reduce the fog on those lights so it doesn't look so faked.

    Never been a fan of the weapon placement on this map, as such I would rethink the weapon placement like keeping the power weapons on the lower parts as the top areas will automatically have traffic because of height advantage and lines of sight. I would also tone down the power weapons / power-ups down to 3 so the map doesn't become power weapon happy.

    I would also contrast your floor as covenant floors are actually either a light orange or dark brown. This will help with depth perception and create aesthetic flow. The triple bridge would be the only exception of course. Also consider trimming some floors if you have the piece count just for the sake of making your walls possibly more interesting.

    Overall, well done as it does look really well done. One word of advice though, try to go for your own layout design and really make something with this level of polished aesthetics as I can see you really making some amazing things.

    Keep on forging!

    Hillel and N3gat1veZer0 like this.
  2. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thank you Xdemption for the feedback, I've done some stuff with the floors that I think look much better now, I've decreased the fog lights some, and am trying to figure out what I can sacrifice to make the walls a bit more interesting. I have maxed the budget. As for weapons, while normally I agree that four tier 3 weapons/power-ups is too much for one map. I don't know what to get rid of. Each weapon, the rocket, sniper, invis, and overshield, is just so iconic to the map I don't know which to get rid of. Any suggestions?
    master wawuu likes this.
  3. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    For the trim idea, if your maxed budget I wont pressure you. As for the weapon placement you could ditch the shotgun and the cloak as those I feel can impact the gameplay negatively. However, you could choose to have the cloak if you put it in the super exposed area of the triple bridge. This way it has a huge risk to get with high reward Instead of going with the overshield.
  4. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like that idea, I believe this is what i'm going to do: I'll keep rocket and sniper. I'll ditch overshield and move invis out in the open. I'll keep shotty since it's only got one clip anyway.
    master wawuu and xdemption like this.
  5. Gabotron ES

    Gabotron ES Recruit

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    Best Damnation make I have seen, love the aesthetics!

    Very clean forging.
    N3gat1veZer0 likes this.
  6. Hillel

    Hillel Legendary

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    NIIIIIIIIIICE!!!! I love it! Thank you for making this one. Pennance from Reach was on my remake list, but this is pretty dang close enough.
    N3gat1veZer0 likes this.
  7. SmoknBrlz64

    SmoknBrlz64 Legendary

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    This is hands down the best Damnation remake I've seen so far. With a Forge this powerful, I had wondered why no one had attempted to recreate it to look more like Penance, and was about to attempt it myself. The map's only real flaw I can see is the monotony in terms of color (which I see you've already made attempts to fix). I know the budget is maxed, but changing some more colors could go a long way to make it look better. In addition to the purple walls and grey floors, Penance had some teal and gold colored accents around the map.
    Gabotron ES and N3gat1veZer0 like this.
  8. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks! I'm still going through the map constantly updating it and I've found some objects to play with. I really like the idea of the shiny teal. I'll see what I can do about that.
  9. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Vincent Marino updated Atonement with a new update entry:

    Lights and Weapons

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I just want to point out that if someone is expecting a 1:1 remake of Damnation, that's not what this map is. It takes a lot of liberties with the scaling. The lines of sight from Red side to Green side are much different than the original.

    It's nothing against the map at all. I agree with everyone's comments about the maps appearance. It looks great and it's well forged.
    SloppyBottom likes this.
  11. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thank you for the compliments and it's not supposed to be a perfect remake. I made changes to the map that I think would compliment Halo 5's gamepley. It's as much of a 1to1 remake of Damnation as Hemorrhage is to Blood Gultch.
  12. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Played this map with you twice today and enjoyed it both times!

    It has the original Damnation feel, but feels modified to play well with Halo 5. And it looks so damn beautiful!

    Great job!
    N3gat1veZer0 likes this.
  13. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice remake ! Good looking, good aesthetic, a really good job which simply gave me the feeling that each element is merged to the others...

    Nice ! My own regret is that the environment outside doesn't really marry to the atmosphere you created on the map. But it's not really important !
  14. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I thought about messing with the outside with the windows, but if you look at the original, it looks very similar with the lake and the island. I still can change it to look underground or in a cave I just thought it be a nice throwback to the original
  15. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
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    Maybe you could create a darker atmosphere outside ? 'cause in the structure, there is really a dark ambient, and the outside looks sunny and beautiful. This is just my opinion and I'm the only one who think about the outside of the map, I guess, so... But the idea of a cave is great and could work for sure ! Maybe also put a green light of water on the water an underground lake, to create the feel that these green liquid in the map flood the lake !
  16. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like that idea actually, I'll see what I can do about that
  17. SmoknBrlz64

    SmoknBrlz64 Legendary

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    Yeah, some areas are a little big for classic settings. In that case, if you don't mind, I might actually give remaking the Reach version a shot using inspiration from your map. I want to see how crazy I can get with the Covenant theme and how close I can get it to 1:1.
  18. N3gat1veZer0

    N3gat1veZer0 Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I suppose. The map isn't meant to be played with classic settings. And if you want a 1to1 of penance I don't think it would play well with classic settings either. Penance was modified in a similar fashion to mine so it would play well with the current game. Damnation itself was smaller and the pathways were skinnier and it was much more unforgiving. I won't tell you not to make it, but I just wanted to point this out.
  19. SmoknBrlz64

    SmoknBrlz64 Legendary

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    I figured I'd go the Penance route to contrast it a bit more with your map. The reason I'd prefer to have a version built around classic settings is because I feel like a lot of the variety is taken out of the encounters that made the classic maps so great, thanks to the new mobility mechanics. (Truth vs Midship is a good example of this)

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