At Noon

3v3 Slayer

Map Description

  1. PianoFrenzy
    Here's a map I made called "At Noon".
    It's an innverse-symmetrical map, played with FFA, 2v2/3v3. The idea for the map, believe it or not, came from eating a donut. The layout of the map might remind you of Halo CE's Derelict.
    It plays best with KoTH and TS, but also supports CTF.
    Feedback is highly appreciated!

    Add me "THF PianoFrenzy" for easier download, if anyone would happen to be interested :)

    Covenant carbine | 2x | 30s | 2 spare clips

    Battle rifle | 8x | 30s | 2 spare clips

    Assault rifle | 2x | 30s | 2 spare clips

    Plasma pistol | 2x | 45s |

    Sniper rile | 2x | 120s| 1 spare clip

    Shotgun | 2x | 60s | 0 spare clips

    Overshield | 1x | 120s |

    Frag grenade 4x | 30s |

    Plasma grenade 4x | 30s |


  1. PianoFrenzy

    PianoFrenzy Halo 4 Era

    Likes Received:
    And thanks to Blaze for input and feedback! :)
  2. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

    Likes Received:
    Looks like a nice small arena map for quick fragfests. Can't really give much feedback on layout without playing it, though.

    One thing you might take a look at is the floor in pics 2 and 3. The mix of blocks and walls just looks messy and lazy. I'm sure you can clean that up a bit.
  3. PianoFrenzy

    PianoFrenzy Halo 4 Era

    Likes Received:
    Yeah, I agree. But in pic 2, there aren't many options, but the floor does create a symbol-sort of design which is identical on both sides. Pic 3 however, I could perhaps lower the 90 degree platforms so that the 45 degree (the one pointing towards you) is overlapping the others?

    Also, I can imagine this map would play really well on 6-8 man FFA Crazy King or just Slayer.
    Still need to play-test this properly, but I lack people to run customs with :/

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