Asylum V16

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. FII12
    This is a natural remake of the remake "Asylum" halo reach, of the original "Santuario" halo 2
    Trey928 2, PharmaGangsta1 and fame28 like this.


  1. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
    Senior Member

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    From the photos, this is mind boggling and looks incredible. I definitely will download this and give it a look. You should add video of this map to your post
    FII12 likes this.
  2. FII12

    FII12 Legendary

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    Check High Ground...
  3. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I don't download maps usually but man... A completely natural map... What a really nice challenge and what an awesome result !

    You make me feel bad that 343 Industries didn't create a water block yet... Maybe this is the only thing I could regret. It could add some variety if you made some water to the middle or somewhere.

    The lights and shadows are really mastered and give an incredible result. Of course, as you made it just with natural elements, you'd use a lot of leaves and trees and it works perfectly.

    Now, as I said, if you create a space, even if it's a little space, with water, I'm pretty sure it could just make your map better.

    I'll download it and test it, 'cause this is the first time I see a full natural map, and just for it, you deserve my download.
    FII12 likes this.
  4. FII12

    FII12 Legendary

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    Hahaha omg thank you again, and yes is posible better if they give us water blocks and more space for FRMp objects in forge. But yes thanks thanks thanks again. I really appreciate your comment. We cooperate for the community.
  5. NILLOC916

    NILLOC916 Mythic

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    Bold choice sticking only to rocks for structure. Looks like it paid off well though. Amazing aesthetics.
  6. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I made a variant of your map. I modified some little things, add water in the center, put low particles instead medium and delete all the bushes outside of the map to create something more detailed inside, placing some trees in the ground to create grass in the places to empty. I change some leaves and delete the ones inside the caves where there are the shotguns where we can climb to make it more visible.

    I saw you put a lot of lights. It's cool but I deleted some of it 'cause when you put lights everywhere, even to reinforce visibility. If you do that, yes there's light, but the lighting becomes a little flat. You make the volume disappear and it's not very beautiful.

    I didn't save the map, but if you want to see it, I can make you something quickly and give it by private message here.

    EDIT : Should I take your "like" as a "Yes, send me your variant" ? =')
    #7 Black Racher, May 1, 2016
    Last edited: May 1, 2016
    FII12 likes this.
  7. xNFx Monsta

    xNFx Monsta Legendary

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    Water blocks are coming, ive heard from a reliable source. They are working on it at 343. :)
    #8 xNFx Monsta, May 2, 2016
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
    FII12 likes this.
  8. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you're saying right... You made my day and every other days until Halo 6'll be released !
    FII12 likes this.
  9. FII12

    FII12 Legendary

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    What's your gamertag?
  10. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I sent you a message with the updated map I made.

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