Assassination in opera

8v8 Custom

Map Description

  1. _JH_
    Team Red goes in the opera in disguise and unarmed. Can´t be killed as long as they are not hostile. Members of Team Red are hostile as soon as they enter any restricted area (backstage area, stage) While not being hostile, you can´t sprint, make damage by shooting or get killed. Goal is to eliminate the singer and steal as much cocaine as possible. As soon as the alarm was triggered, the escape gates open. Cameras will spot you. Defenders can be killed by meeling them in "disguise mode".

    Team Blue need to protect the goods and the singer. In an emergency situation they need to prevent the escape of any hostiles.

    There are multiple ways the singer can be killed. He just can be shot or killed using the enviroment. In order to get gear the attackers need to find them in the storage/vaults/dead guards etc.

    The longer the singer stays alive, the more points the defenders get.


  1. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    These sounds really cool but also pretty complex. Maybe it's just the way you've written the info but I'd suggest either making the map simpler or just writing a bit more to explain how to play in more detail. A gameplay video would be nice. Can't wait to check this out though
    _JH_ likes this.
  2. _JH_

    _JH_ Legendary

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    It´s quite complicated, probably way too complicated, and it may takes you a while to understand what I was on about when building the map. As well it requires everyone being in a party. However I aapreciate the feedback
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  3. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
    Senior Member

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    If the layout of the map matches the blueprint photo, you could tweak the map a little bit to make a cool infection map. The spartans could start at the entrance and have to hold that down while all the other doors are locked for a period of time and then the left and right sides could open up (different perks on each side). As they go through the left and right side, they hold those out until the backstage opens up, then the main stage unlocks and includes some power weapons also. The doors opening would trigger scripting to new teleporter spawns for the infected to spawn in "safe area's" in sides of the main entrance and once the concert hall was unlocked.
    _JH_ likes this.
  4. _JH_

    _JH_ Legendary

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    I made the blueprint using a screenshot of the map, so the layout is exactly the same. Interesting idea
    fame28 likes this.

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