Map Trailer Video
Map Showcase Video
Hello guys and welcome to my latest project. Arcadia, is an urban inspired map the features awesome vertically along with a great ODST feel. This map is still in minor development, but its ready to play with slayer only. There will be further updates as time goes on but for now this is what I guess you can call a beta. This map will have plenty more game types as well along with more details soon. Also, I'm looking forward from hearing from you guys opinion about this map so I can improve as development goes on. Again, thanks for checking out the map its greatly appreciated! Remember this is still in minor testing so if you find anything, let me know so it can be fixed. Thanks firenight66
Weapons on map
Halo 2 Battle Rifle x4
Battle Rifle x1
Assault Rifle x2
Suppressed SMG x2
Recon DMR x2
Magnum x2
SPNKr Rocket Launcher x1 (Main Power Weapon)
Carbine x1
Brute Plasma Rifle x1
Frag Grenades x6